Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Members of Runtime project gave thousands of hours of teaching at University of Bordeaux and ENSEIRB-MATMECA engineering schools, covering a wide range of topics from basic use of computers and C programming to advance topics such as operating systems, parallel programming and high-performance runtime systems.


PhD & HdR :

  • PhD: Jérôme Clet-Ortega , Exploitation efficace des architectures parallèles de type grappes de NUMA à l'aide de modèles hybrides de programmation, 2012/04, Raymond Namyst and Guillaume Mercier

  • PhD: Andres Charif-Rubial , On code performance analysis and optimization for multicore architectures, 2012/02, Denis Barthou and William Jalby (Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines)

  • PhD in progress : Julien Jaeger , Source-to-source transformations for irregular and multithreaded code optimization, 2012/02, Denis Barthou

  • PhD in progress : Bertrand Putigny , Modèles de performance pour l'ordonnancement sur architectures multicoeurs hétérogènes, 2010/11, Brice Goglin and Denis Barthou

  • PhD in progress : François Tessier , Placement d'applications hybrides sur machine non-uniformes multicœurs, 2011/10 Emmanuel Jeannot and Guillaume Mercier

  • PhD in progress : Paul-Antoine Arras , Development of a Flexible Heterogeneous System-On-Chip Platform using a mix of programmable Processing Elements and harware accelerators. 2011/10, Emmanuel Jeannot and Samuel Thibault

  • PhD in progress : Sylvain Henry , Modèles de programmation et systèmes d'exécution pour architectures hétérogènes, 2009/10, Denis Barthou and Alexandre Denis

  • PhD in progress: Andra Hugo , Composability of parallel codes over heterogeneous platforms, 2013/10, Abdou Guermouche and Pierre-André Wacrenier and Raymond Namyst

  • PhD in progress: Cyril Bordage , Parallélisation de la méthode multipôle sur architecture hybride, 2012/10, Raymond Namyst and David Goudin (CEA CESTA)

  • PhD in progress: Corentin Rossignon , Design of an object-oriented runtime system for oil reserve simulations on heterogeneous architectures, 2012/04, Olivier Aumage and Pascal Hénon (TOTAL) and Raymond Namyst and Samuel Thibault


Raymond Namyst was member of the PhD defense jury for the following candidates:

  • Marcio Castro (University of Grenoble, reviewer)

  • Vincent Pichon (University of Lyon, reviewer)

  • Marc Palyart (CEA-CESTA, Bordeaux, reviewer)

  • Andres Charif Rubial (University of Versailles, president)

Samuel Thibault was member of the PhD defense jury for the following candidates:

  • Vincent Boulos (University of Grenoble, examinator)

Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the PhD defense jury for the following candidates:

  • Mohamed Slim Bouguerra (University of Grenoble, reviewer)

  • Cristian Klein (ENS Lyon, reviewer)

  • Jan-Christian Meyer (NTNU, Trondhiem, Norway, opponent)