Section: Software

Computer Games

Participant : Rémi Coulom.

We continued the development of three main softwares for computer games:

  • Crazy Stone is a top-level Go-playing program that has been developed by Rémi Coulom since 2005. Crazy Stone won several major international Go tournaments in the past. In 2012, a new version was released in Japan. This new version won a game with a 4-stone handicap against a professional player during the European Go Congress in Bonn, Germany. It is distributed as a commercial product by Unbalance Corporation (Japan). 6-month work in 2012. URL: http://remi.coulom.free.fr/CrazyStone/

  • Crazy Hanafuda is a program to play the Japanese card game of Hanafuda. One month of work in 2012. A licence agreement was signed with Unbalance Corporation in January. The Windows 8 version of the program was released commercially in November.

  • CLOP [30] is a tool for automatic parameter optimization of game-playing programs. Distributed as freeware (GPL). One month of work in 2012. Available at: http://remi.coulom.free.fr/CLOP/