Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : S. Arlot, F. Bach, G. Obozinski, “Apprentissage statistique”, 35h, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Filière “Math-Info”, première année.
Licence: G. Obozinski, Introduction aux modèles graphiques (4h) in Enseignement spécialisé "Apprentissage artificiel" for second year students at Ecole des Mines.
Mastère: S. Arlot and F. Bach, "Statistical learning", 24h, Mastère M2, Université Paris-Sud, France.
Mastère: G. Obozinski, N. Le Roux, Introduction à l'apprentissage machine appliqué aux neurosciences et à la cognition Co-teaching (6h) in the course of the Master Recherche en Sciences Cognitives co-habilitated by EHESS, ENS and Université Paris Descartes.
Mastère: F. Bach, G. Obozibski, Introduction aux modèles graphiques (30h), Master MVA (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan).
Doctorat: S. Arlot, "Model selection via penalization, resampling and cross-validation, with application to change-point detection", 6h, Université de Cergy.
Doctorat: G. Obozinski, Probabilistic graphical models for Information Retrieval, in the Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2012), Yaroslavl, Russia.
Doctorat: F. Bach, International Computer Vision Summer School 2012, 3h, Sicily.
Doctorat: F. Bach, Summer school on Visual Recognition and Machine Learning, 3h, Grenoble.
Doctorat: F. Bach: Machine learning summer school (MLSS), 3h, Kyoto, Japan.
PhD : Toby Hocking, “Learning algorithms and statistical software, with applications to bioinformatics”, ENS Cachan, November 20, 2012, Advisors: F. Bach, J.-P. Vert (Ecole des Mines de Paris - Institut Curie).
PhD: Augustin Lefèvre, “Dictionary learning methods for single-channel audio source separation”, ENS Cachan, October 3, 2012, Advisors: F. Bach and C. Févotte (Telecom Paristech).
PhD: Armand Joulin, “Convex optimization for co-segmentation”, ENS Cachan, December 17, 2012, Advisors: F. Bach and J. Ponce (Willow project-team).