Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Editorial boards
F. Bach: Journal of Machine Learning Research, Action Editor.
F. Bach: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Associate Editor.
F. Bach: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Associate Editor.
G. Obozinski: Journal of Machine Learning Research, Member of the Editorial Board.
Area chairs
G. Obozinski: International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2012.
F. Bach: International Conference on Machine Learning, 2012.
S. Lacoste-Julien, F. Bach: Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2012.
Journals: Annals of Statistics, Machine Learning, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, Transaction in Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Information and Inference (IMAIAI), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (SJS), Statistics and Computing (STO), Annales de l'IHP, Annals of Statistics
S. Arlot is member of the board for the entrance exam in Ecole Normale Supérieure (mathematics, voie B/L).
Workshop and conference organization
M. Schmidt, Session Organizer at International Conference on Continuous Optimization (July 27 - August 1, 2013).
G. Obozinski, Co-organiser of the workshop “Sparsity, Dictionaries and Projections in Machine Learning and Signal Processing" at ICML 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland. .
F. Bach: International Conference on Machine Learning, 2012, Workshop co-chair.
F. Bach: Co-organizer of the NIPS workshop on “Analysis Operator Learning vs. Dictionary Learning: Fraternal Twins in Sparse Modeling”, .