Section: New Results
SUP Software Platform
Participants : Julien Gueytat, Baptiste Fosty, Anh tuan Nghiem, Leonardo Rocha, François Brémond.
Our team focuses on developing Scene Understanding Platform (SUP) (see section 5.1 ). This platform has been designed for analyzing a video content. SUP is able to recognize simple events such as 'falling', 'walking' of a person. We can easily build new analyzing system thanks to a set of algorithms also called plugins. The order of those plugins and their parameters can be changed at run time and the result visualized. This platform has many more advantages such as easy serialization to save and replay a scene, portability to Mac, Windows or Linux, ... All those advantages are available since we are working together with the software developers team DREAM. Many Inria teams are pushing together to improve a common Inria development toolkit DTK. Our SUP framework is one of the DTK-like framework developed at Inria.
Currently, we have fully integrated OpenCV library with SUP and the next step is to integrate OpenNI to get depth map processing algorithms from PrimeSense running in SUP. Updates and presentations of our framework can be found on our team website . Detailed tips for users are given on our Wiki website and sources are hosted thanks to the new Source Control Management tool.