Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Conference Organization
In the framework of VANAHEIM project, Stars has organized a summer school which was held at Inria in October 2012, entitled “Human Activity and Vision Summer School”( ). This summer school addressed the human activity or behaviour recognition, focusing dominantly on the video and audio modalities. In this context, the topics addressed ranged from low-level feature extraction (background subtraction, space-time interest points, tracklets) to active learning, as well as object detection (human, body), tracking (multi-object, multi-camera, audio-visual), behaviour cue extraction (body or head pose), crowd monitoring and supervised behaviour recognition (statistical and symbolic approaches). The summer school counted 26 outside participants, 19 Inria participants and 21 invited speakers. Most of the participants were PhD students, but master students and postdoctoral researchers were also registered.
G. Charpiat reviewed for the journals TIP (Transactions on Image Processing), SIIMS (SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences), RIA (Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle)
Jean-Paul Rigault reviewed for the SoSym (Software and System Modeling) journal (Springer)
F. Bremond was reviewer for the International Journal of Neural Systems and for the IEEE Pervasive Computing
G. Charpiat reviewed for the conferences CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) and SIGPRO (Signal Processing).
Jean-Paul Rigault is a member of AITO (Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets), the steering committee of several international conferences including ECOOP.
The conference paper entitled “Alzheimer's patient activity assessment using different sensors” by C. Crispim et all has received the Best Paper Award in ISG*ISARC 2012 conference in Eindhoven, Netherlands in June 2012.
F. Bremond was Session chair and chairman of discussion panels at AVSS'12 conference
F. Bremond was reviewer for the conferences CVPR'12-13, ICPR'12, ECCV'12, AVSS'12, PETS'12-13, Visage'12, IROS'12 Workshop, ICRA'13
F. Bremond was program committee member of the CVPR 3nd Intl. Workshop on Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring (SISM 2012)
F. Bremond was program committee member of the 2 ECCV 2012 workshops, International Workshop on Re-Identification (Re-Id 2012) and ARTEMIS 2012
F. Bremond was program committee member of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2013)
F. Bremond was program committee member of the Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG 2013)
Invited Talk
F. Bremond was invited at the Gerontological Workshop organized by Universitas Tarumanagara in Jakarta on the 28-29 September 2012.
F. Bremond was invited at the French American Biotech Symposium FABS 2012, invited by EUROBIOMED and French Embassy in US, Nice on the 25-26 October 2012,
F. Bremond was invited at the IA (Innovation Alzheimer) Workshop 2012: Intersection between ICT & Health – defining guidelines on October 30th in Monaco, France.
F. Bremond was invited at the International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU'2012) held in conjunction with IROS'2012 in Algarve, Portugal, October 2012.
Advisory Board
M. Thonnat is Scientific Advisory Board member 2010 -2013 European project Fish4Knowledge. on Intelligent Information Management Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content ( ).
M. Thonnat is Scientific Board member of the National Reference Center “Santé”, Dependance et Autonomie since 2010.
M. Thonnat is Scientific Board member of Ecole Nationale des Ponts since 2008
F. Bremond is Scientific Board member of Fondation Médéric Alzheimer: European Dementia Biomedical Outlook, April and October 2012.
F. Bremond is Scientific Board member of Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG)
F. Bremond is Member of the advisory Boards of the “Éthique, technologie et maladie d’Alzheimer ou apparentée” EREMA