Section: New Results
Image Compression and Modelization
Participants : Guillaume Charpiat, Eben Freeman.
Recent results in statistical learning have established the best strategy to combine several advices from different experts, for the problem of sequential prediction of times series. The notions of prediction and compression are tightly linked, in that a good predictor can be turned into a good compressor via entropy coding (such as Huffman coding or arithmetic coding), based on the predicted probabilities of the events to come : the more predictable an event E is, the easier to compress it will be, with coding cost with such techniques.
The initial idea here, by Yann Ollivier (TAO team), within a collaboration with G. Charpiat and Jamal Atif (TAO team), was to adapt these results to the case of image compression, where time series are replaced with 2D series of pixel colors, and where experts are predictors of the color of a pixel given the colors of neighbors. The main difference is that there is no canonical physically-relevant 1D ordering of the pixels in an image, so that a sequential order (of the pixels to predict their colors) had to be defined first. Preliminary results with a hierarchical ordering scheme already competed with standard techniques in lossless compression (png, lossless jpeg2000).
During his internship in the Stars team, Eben Freeman developed this approach, by building relevant experts able to predict a variety of image features (regions of homogeneous color, edges, noise, …). We also considered random orderings of pixels, using kernels to express probabilities in a spatially-coherent manner. Using such modellings of images with experts, we were also able to generate new images, that are typical of these models, and show more structure than the ones associated to standard compression schemes (typical images highly compressed).