Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Participation In International Programs
C. Paulin is the representative of Univ. Paris-Sud for the education part of the EIT KIC ICT Labs. She contributed to the proposition of two master programs as well as the action on weaving Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Doctoral programs and the preparation of the Summer School “Imagine the future in ICT”.
Other International Partners
S. Conchon has continued his collaboration with S. Krstic and A. Goel (Intel Strategic Cad Labs in Hillsboro, OR, USA) on the development of the Cubicle SMT-based model checker [24] .
J.-C. Filliâtre has collaboration with University do Minho (Braga, Portugal) on the use of Why as intermediate for verification of cryptographic programs [13] .
J.-C. Filliâtre has collaboration with Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal) on the use of Why as intermediate for verification of ARM programs [34] .
Our on-going development of a verified JavaScript interpreter, described above, is an active collaboration with people from Imperial College, London, UK.