Section: Software
The Why platform
Participants : Claude Marché [contact] , François Bobot, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Guillaume Melquiond, Andrei Paskevich.
Keywords: Deductive verification, Java programming language, Java modeling language, Java Card, ANSI C programming language.
Criteria for Software Self-Assessment (self-evaluation following the guidelines ( ) of the Software Working Group of Inria Evaluation Committee( )): A-3, SO-4, SM-3, EM-2, SDL-5-down, OC-4.
The Why platform is a set of tools for deductive verification of Java and C source code. In both cases, the requirements are specified as annotations in the source, in a special style of comments. For Java (and Java Card), these specifications are given in JML and are interpreted by the Krakatoa tool. Analysis of C code must be done using the external Frama-C environment, and its Jessie plugin which is distributed in Why.
The platform is distributed as open source, under GPL license, at . The internal VC generator and the translators to external provers are no longer under active development, as superseded by the Why3system described below.
The Krakatoa and Jessie front-ends are still maintained, although using now by default the Why3 VC generator. These front-ends are described in a specific web page . They are used for teaching (University of Evry, Ecole Polytechnique, etc.), used by several research groups in the world, e.g at Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin [86] , at Universidade do Minho in Portugal [49] , at Moscow State University, Russia ( ).