Section: New Results
Automated and Interactive Theorem Proving
Combination of decision procedures
Participants : Pascal Fontaine, Simon Halfon, Stephan Merz, Christoph Weidenbach.
SMT solvers, combination, decision procedures, theorem proving
We investigate the theoretical limits of combining decision procedures and reasoners, as these are important for the development of the veriT solver (see section 5.1 ). It has long been known that it is possible to extend any decidable language (subject to a minor requirement on cardinalities) with predicates described by a Bernays-Schönfinkel-Ramsey theory (BSR). A formula belongs to the BSR decidable fragment if it is a conjunction of universal, function-free formulas. As a consequence of this theoretical result, it is possible to extend a decidable quantifier-free language with sets and set operators, relations, orders and similar concepts. This can be used to significantly extend the expressivity of SMT solvers. In previous work, we generalized this result to the decidable first-order class of monadic predicate logic, and to the two-variable fragment. In subsequent joint work with Carlos Areces from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, we showed that two other important decidable fragments (namely the Ackermann fragment, and several guarded fragments) are also easily combinable. In 2012, we considered, in the same spirit, the combination of theories that are not necessarily decidable [18] . In particular, we considered combinations of decision procedures and refutationally complete semi-decision procedures, as well as black-box combinations of different refutationally complete theorem provers, together with finite model finders. These results in particular yield theoretical foundations for how FOL provers can be combined with SMT techniques in a black-box style of integration.
Using symmetries in SMT
Participants : Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz.
theorem proving, SMT solvers, decision procedures, symmetry
Methods exploiting problem symmetries have been very successful in several areas including constraint programming and SAT solving. We proposed similar techniques for enhancing the performance of SMT-solvers by detecting symmetries in the input formulas and using them to prune the search space of the SMT algorithm. These techniques are based on the concept of (syntactic) invariance by permutation of symbols. In 2011, we presented a technique restricted to constants but which exhibited impressive results for some categories of formulas [4] ; this technique was quickly implemented in major SMT solvers, including CVC4 and Z3.
In 2012, we designed a more general approach, based on graph isomorphism, for symmetry detection in the SMT context. Experimental analysis indicates that many formulas from the SMT-LIB repository exhibit symmetries that are left unexploited by the previous techniques. Finding new techniques to exploit these is the subject of ongoing work with the University of Cordoba in Argentina; we expect that breaking those symmetries will yield again some significative efficiency improvement.
Encoding TLA+ proof obligations for SMT solvers
Participants : Stephan Merz, Hernán-Pablo Vanzetto.
system verification, SMT solving, TLA
The TLA+ proof system TLAPS (see section 5.2 ) is being developed within a project at the MSR-Inria Joint Centre to which we contribute. Proof obligations that arise during the verification of typical TLA+ specifications require reasoning about the principal TLA+ data structures such as sets, functions, arithmetic, tuples, and records. None of the backend provers present in the initial versions of TLAPS was able to reason effectively about steps involving several of these features, and in 2011 we started developing an improved backend for translating TLA+ proof obligations to SMT-Lib, the generic input language of SMT solvers. The main challenge was to design a sound translation from untyped TLA+ to the multi-sorted first-order logic that underlies SMT-Lib, and our original proposal was based on deriving type assignments to TLA+ expressions in a custom type system useful for SMT-Lib. This approach sometimes failed to derive types for subexpressions or required stronger typing assumptions than those required by the semantics of untyped TLA+.
In 2012, based on a suggestion by Ken McMillan, we investigated a different approach whose main idea is to embed SMT sorts such as integers in the global universe of TLA+ values, and to axiomatically define operations such as addition or multiplication on the image of that embedding. This approach effectively delegates type inference to the SMT solver and can therefore handle arbitrary TLA+ expressions. However, it generates many quantified background axioms that may render SMT solvers ineffective, and we developed powerful pre-processing techniques for replacing quantified axioms by their required ground instances. The SMT backend in the current release of TLAPS is based on a hybrid approach to translation, where type inference is used whenever possible in order to obtain simpler SMT input. The two translation techniques have been published in 2012 [19] , [20] , and they have been validated over many case studies in TLAPS. For example, it enables proving the correctness of simple mutual-exclusion algorithms essentially without user interaction, and of the Paxos consensus algorithm in just 130 interactions, whereas a previous proof attempt using the traditional backend provers was unsuccessful.
Compression of SMT proofs
Participants : Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz.
theorem proving, SMT solvers, decision procedures, combination of decision procedures
Integrating an SMT solver in a certified environment such as TLAPS or an LF-style proof assistant requires the solver to output proofs. Unfortunately, those proofs may be quite large, and the overhead of rechecking the proof may account for a significant fraction of the proof time. In previous work, we proposed a technique for reducing the size of propositional proofs based on the analysis of resolution graphs, which were justified in an algebra of resolution. Unfortunately, the complexity of these techniques turned out to be prohibitive, but we proposed practical and efficient algorithms for more restricted compression techniques. We continue to develop this line of work with our partners at TU Wien.
Augmenting the Expressiveness of Spass
Participants : Evgeny Kruglov, Arnaud Fietzke, Daniel Wand, Christoph Weidenbach.
automated theorem proving, superposition, linear arithmetic, proof assistants
In 2012 we focused on bridging the gap between the input logic of SPASS and more expressive logics as they are used by systems supporting full-fledged verification such as Isabelle and TLAPS. Main contributions were a specific version of an order-sorted language that can be eventually translated in a many-sorted logic. The latter is implemented in Spass in a prototypic way and first experiments showed significant improvements on proof obligations out of Isabelle/HOL. Actually, the enhancements allowed Spass to become the most powerful automated theorem proving system supporting Isabelle [14] . We are currently working on a coupling with TLAPS (see section 5.2 ).
A second important branch is the integration of arithmetic into SPASS and the development of the respective hierarchic superposition calculus. In the past [31] , [38] we experimented with a black box integration of LP solvers and Z3 to delegate arithmetic reasoning tasks. Now we started our own white box implementation for linear arithmetic and could achieve significant speed-ups. Our own reasoning procedure, dedicated to the specific form of the arithmetic proof obligations generated by SPASS is 50 to 200 times faster than any black box integration [29] . On the calculus side we could prove hierarchic superposition modulo linear arithmetic to be a decision procedure for the ground case, thus strictly generalizing the DPLL(LA) set up, and to be a decision procedure [39] , [40] for timed automata reachability and extensions thereof [17] .
Verification of linear hybrid automata
Participant : Uwe Waldmann.
automated theorem proving, superposition, linear arithmetic, proof assistants
We propose an improved symbolic algorithm for the verification of linear hybrid automata with large discrete state spaces. Large discrete state spaces arise naturally in industrial hybrid systems, due to the need to represent discrete inputs, counters, sanity checkbits, possibly multiple concurrent state machines, system-degradation modes, and finite switching variables. To prove safety properties of such systems, it is necessary to combine techniques for analyzing a complex dynamic behaviour with state space exploration methods that can deal with hundreds of discrete variables. In our approach, we represent both the discrete part and the continuous part of the hybrid state space symbolically using a variant of AIGs (And-Inverter-Graphs). Key components of our method are redundancy elimination (to maintain a compact symbolic representation by deleting superfluous linear constraints) and constraint minimization (exploiting the fact that states already reached in previous iterations of the model-checking algorithm can be interpreted as “don't cares” in later steps). A journal article describing the technique appeared in Science of Computer Programming [9] .