Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Participation In International Programs
Cooperation with Córdoba, Argentina
Participants : Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz.
This cooperation with the team of Carlos Areces (formerly a researcher at Inria Nancy) at the University of Córdoba is along two axes. First, we study symmetries for automated reasoning (and SMT) as a means to reduce the search space and improve efficiency. Second, we investigate automated reasoning techniques (and more specifically SMT) for modal logics and similar fragments of first-order logic. The cooperation is funded within the context of the IRSES project MEALS coordinated for Inria by Catuscia Palamidessi (Saclay).
Two PhD students from Córdoba visited Inria Nancy in Summer 2012: Ezequiel Orbe for two weeks, and Raul Fervari for one month. Carlos Areces also came to Nancy for two weeks. Pascal Fontaine and Stephan Merz visited Argentina in November where they spent two weeks in Córdoba working on the above subjects, and one week visiting our contacts at the universities of Rosario and Buenos Aires.
The team has a long term relationship with the Universities of Córdoba, Rosario and Buenos Aires, with frequent exchanges of students. One Internship student in 2012 was from Buenos Aires, and the newly recruited engineer is from Rosario.
Cooperation with Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Norte, Brazil
Participants : David Déharbe, Pablo Federico Dobal, Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz.
VeriDis has a close working relationship with a team at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Norte (UFRN), Brazil, and more particularly with Prof. David Déharbe. David Déharbe visited VeriDis in July and October. Pascal Fontaine is scheduled to visit Natal in early 2013. The project is centered around the development and applications of the veriT solver (section 5.1 ), of which David Déharbe and Pascal Fontaine are the main developers. Our cooperation is also supported by the Inria-CNPq project SMT-SAVeS from 2010 throughout early 2013.
Cooperation with Tiaret University
Participants : Dominique Méry, Stephan Merz.
Mostapha Belardi (Université Ibn Khaldoun de Tiaret), Camel Tanougast (LICM, Université de Lorraine), Dominique Méry and Stephan Merz have started a joint project entitled CIPRONoC : Conception Incrémentale Prouvée pour pROtotypage rapide de NoC Tolérant aux Fautes à base de technologie FPGA. The project is sponsored by the STIC Algérie program, which funded a visit of Mostapha Belardi and an internship of Hayat Daoud in 2012. The work led to the design of a model for a network on chip proposed by our partners from LICM. A short presentation has been published in a local workshop.