Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
- Nathalie Bertrand
was PC member of QAPL'12, QEST'12, Infinity'12 and SYNT'12. She is since september 2012 a Steering Committee member of QEST. She was invited to give a talk at the research seminar of the Quantitative Logics and Automata (QuantLA) Doctoral School in Dresden, in December 2012. She is also a member of the panel for the Gilles Kahn prize awarded each year to an excellent PhD thesis in computer science.
- Thierry Jéron
is Vice President of the Project Committee of Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique. He is member of the IFIP Working Group 10.2 on Embedded Systems. He is a member of the Steering Committe of the School MOVEP (held in Marseille in December 2012), and PC member of ICFEM 2012, ICST 2012, ICTSS 2012, RV 2013, TAP 2012 and 2013. He gave a lecture at the Summer School TAROT 2012. He co-organizes the Dagstuhl Seminar 13021 on "Symbolic Methods in Testing" in January 2013.
- Hervé Marchand
is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control since 2009 and member of the IFAC Technical Committees (TC 1.3 on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems) since 2005. He is member of the steering committee of MSR (Modélisation de systèmes réactifs). He was PC member of WODES'12, ICINCO'12. He is organizer of MSR 2013 in Rennes.