Section: Dissemination
Invited presentations
K. Alahari, Oxford Univ., Oxford, UK, Host: A. Zisserman, Sept. 2012.
I. Laptev, 3rd AFCV Int. Workshop on Recent Trends in Computer Vision, Osaka, Japan, Jan. 2012.
I. Laptev, 10th Workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, Annecy, France, June 2012.
I. Laptev, Oxford Univ., Oxford, UK, Host: A. Zisserman, Sept. 2012.
I. Laptev, First Croatian Workshop on Computer Vision, Zagreb, Croatia, Sept. 2012.
I. Laptev, 3rd IST Austria Symposium on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 2012.
I. Laptev, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Host: A. Efros, November 2012.
J. Ponce, 2nd ACCV Workshop on e-Heritage, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov. 2012.
J. Ponce, “Let's imagine the future”, Inria Rennes, France, Nov. 2012.
J. Sivic, Google, USA, Hosts: H. Adam and H. Neven, August 2012
J. Sivic, Simon Fraser University, Canada, Host: G. Mori, August 2012
J. Sivic, GdR ISIS workshop, Telecom ParisTech, Host: F. Lafarge, October 2012
J. Sivic, First Int. Workshop on Visual Analysis and Geo-Localization of Large-Scale Imagery, ECCV 2012, October 2012.
J. Sivic, Int. Workshop on Search Compupting, Brussels, Host: A. Joly, September 2012.
J. Sivic, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Host: A. Efros, December 2012.