Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

IARPA FINDER Visual geo-localization (Inria)

Participants : Josef Sivic, Petr Gronát.

Finder is an IARPA funded project aiming to develop technology to geo-localize images and videos that do not have geolocation tag. It is common today for even consumer-grade cameras to tag the images that they capture with the location of the image on the earth's surface (“geolocation"). However, some imagery does not have a geolocation tag and it can be important to know the location of the camera, image, or objects in the scene. Finder aims to develop technology to automatically or semi-automatically geo-localize images and video that do not have the geolocation tag using reference data from many sources, including overhead and ground-based images, digital elevation data, existing well-understood image collections, surface geology, geography, and cultural information.

Partners: ObjectVideo, DigitalGlobe, CMU, Brown Univ., Cornell Univ., Univ. of Kentucky, GMU, Indiana Univ., and Washington Univ.

Inria Associate Team VIP

Participants : Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic.

This project brings together three internationally recognized research groups with complementary expertise in human action recognition (Inria), qualitative and geometric scene interpretation (CMU) and large scale object recognition and human visual perception (MIT). The goal of VIP (Visual Interpretation of functional Properties) is to discover, model and learn functional properties of objects and scenes from image and video data.

Partners: Aude Oliva (MIT) and Alexei Efros (CMU). The project will be funded during 2012-2014.