Section: Software


Participants : Mathias Chouet, Hervé Goëau, Alexis Joly [contact] .

URL: http://identify.plantnet-project.org

Pl@ntNet-Identify is a web application dedicated to the image-based identification of plants. It has been developed jointly by ZENITH, the AMAP UMR team (CIRAD) and the Inria team IMEDIA. It allows submitting one or several query pictures of a plant and browse the matching species in a large collection of social image data, i.e. plant images collected by the members of a social network. It also allows users to enrich the knowledge of the application by uploading their own pictures in the reference collection. Nowadays, the dataset includes more than 17K images posted by about 100 members of Telabotanica (http://www.tela-botanica.org/ ) social network. In 2012, about 5000 identification sessions have been recorded. The client side of the application is implemented in Javascript whereas the server side (visual search engine) is mostly implemented in C++.