Section: Software


Participants : Mathias Chouet [contact] , Alexis Joly.

Pl@ntNet-DataManager is a software dedicated to managing and sharing distributed heterogeneous botanical data. It is developed jointly by ZENITH, the AMAP UMR team (CIRAD) and Telabotanica non profit organization. It allows scientists to define data structures dedicated to their own datasets, and share parts of their structures and data with collaborators in a decentralized way. Pl@ntNet DataManager offers innovative features like partial or complete P2P synchronization between distant databases (master-master), and a user friendly data structure editor. It also provides full text search, querying, CSV import/export, SQL export, image management, and geolocation. DataManager is built on NoSQL technology (CouchDB database), Javascript (Node.js), HTML5 and CSS3, and may be deployed on a server or run on a local machine (standalone version for Linux, Windows, Mac). It is being used by researchers and engineers of the Pl@ntNet Project (CIRAD, INRA, Inria, IRD, Tela-Botanica) to manage taxonomical referentials, herbarium data and geolocated plant observations.