Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
See also:
Middleware for Sensor as a Service (SeaS) is a collaboration initiative that intends to contribute to the vision of the Future Internet as an open-source middleware platform, based on robust Web standards, breaking existing IT silos and leveraging the development of innovative hybrid service-oriented architectures spanning from Wireless Sensor Networks to Ubiquitous and Cloud Computing. Given that one of the objectives of Europe is to develop the convergence of IT networks (being it mobile or fixed) and the fact that many of the upcoming mobile devices are integrating services (from phones down to sensors and radio frequency identification), we believe that one of the challenges for the next generation society will consist in enabling a distributed middleware platform for the dynamic provision of hybrid services and the scalable dissemination of data. In particular, we believe that the sensor capabilities can be reflected as a service accessible from the Internet or any IT system using standard Web protocols. The resulting services will be hybrid in the sense that they will reflect the wide diversity of sensor devices available nowadays, but we aim at providing a uniform solution to leverage the development of applications on top of physical or virtual sensors. This platform includes not only the sensor level (description, discovery, communication, reconfiguration...), but also the platform level services (dissemination, storage, query, adaptation...) that are required for enabling such a vision. The resulting platform will bring additional opportunities for the development of innovative service-based systems by exploiting the emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Ubiquitous Computing, and Cloud Computing environments.
Participants: Nicolas Haderer, Russel Nzekwa, Daniel Romero, Romain Rouvoy [correspondant], Lionel Seinturier.
Inria International Partners
Declared Inria International Partners
University of Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
The ADAM project-team has a long term collaboration since 2005 with this university. Over the years, four PhD thesis (Carlos Noguera, Carlos Parra, Daniel Romero, Gabriel Tamura) have been defended in our team with students who obtained their MSc in this university. The first three were full French PhD, whereas the last one was a co-tutelle with this university. Professor Rubby Casallas from University of Los Andes is frequently visiting our team. The most recently defended PhD thesis, that of Gabriel Tamura, deals with QoS (quality-of-service) contract preservation in distributed service-oriented architectures. A formal theory to perform, in a safe way, the process of self-adaptation in response to quality-of-service (QoS) contracts violation has been proposed. The results have been published in [86] [43] and in the PhD thesis document itself [85] .
Participants: Laurence Duchien [correspondant], Clément Quinton, Daniel Romero, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.
University of Oslo, Norway
The scientific collaboration with this international partner deals with complex distributed systems that have to seamlessly adapt to a wide variety of deployment targets. This is due to the fact that developers cannot anticipate all the runtime conditions under which these systems are immersed. A major challenge for these software systems is to develop their capability to continuously reason about themselves and to take appropriate decisions and actions on the optimizations they can apply to improve themselves. This challenge encompasses research contributions in different areas, from environmental monitoring to real-time symptoms diagnosis, to automated decision making. The SEAS associated team (see Section ) contributes to this collaboration.
Participants: Nicolas Haderer, Russel Nzekwa, Daniel Romero, Romain Rouvoy [correspondant], Lionel Seinturier.
Informal International Partners
Université du Québec à Montréal
The ADAM project-team has established a new collaboration with UQÀM (Université du Québec à Montréal) to improve the software quality of distributed systems. This collaboration has been initied with a joint PhD thesis (Geoffrey Hecht) that intends to empirically identify design patterns and anti-patterns in Cloud-based applications. The objective of this work is to leverage the development of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) to build modular yet efficient solutions to be deployed in the Cloud.
Participants: Laurence Duchien, Geoffrey Hecht, Romain Rouvoy.
Participation in Other International Programs
Participants : Gwenaël Cattez, Philippe Merle [correspondant] , Fawaz Paraïso, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.
OW2 , previously ObjectWeb, is an international consortium to promote high quality open source middleware. The vision of OW2 is that of a set of components which can be assembled to offer high-quality middleware systems. We are members of this consortium since 2002. Philippe Merle is the leader of both Fractal and FraSCAti projects, which are hosted by this consortium. Philippe Merle and Lionel Seinturier are members of the Technology Council of OW2.
ERCIM Working Group on Software Evolution
Participant : Laurence Duchien [correspondant] .
The Working Group (WG) on Software Evolution is one of the working groups supported by ERCIM. The main goal of the WG is to identify a set of formally-founded techniques and associated tools to support software developers with the common problems they encounter when evolving large and complex software systems. With this initiative, the WG plans to become a Virtual European Research and Training Centre on Software Evolution.