Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
Title: Distributed/Asynchronous and Embedded/synchronous Systems Development
Inria principal investigator: Robert de Simone (Aoste) / Eric Madelaine (Oasis)
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
The development of concurrent and parallel systems has traditionally been clearly split in two different families: distributed and asynchronous systems on one hand, now growing very fast with the recent progress of the Internet towards large scale services and clouds; embedded, reactive, or hybrid systems on the other hand, mostly of synchronous behaviour. The frontier between these families has attracted less attention, but recent trends, e.g. in industrial systems, in Cyber-Physical systems (CPS), or in the emerging Internet of Things, give a new importance to research combining them.
The aim of the DAESD associate team is to combine the expertise of the Oasis and Aoste teams at Inria, the SEI-Shone team at ECNU-Shanghai, and to build models, methods, and prototype software tools inheriting from synchronous and asynchronous models. We plan to address modelling formalisms and tools, for this combined model; to establish a method to analyze temporal and spatial consistency of embedded distributed real-time systems; to develop scheduling strategies for multiple tasks in embedded and distributed systems with mixed constraints.
A dedicated Spring School was organized this year in Shanghai (April 27-30th), with participation of Robert de Simone and Frédéric Mallet from Aoste.
Inria International Labs
The DAESD associated-team goals have been extended to a LIAMA project named HADES (Heterogeneous Asynchronous Distributed / Embedded Synchronous), again with the SEI-Shone lab of ECNU Shanghai. The kick-off meeting was held next to the thematic Spring School (see ), in presence of Chinese and French officials.