Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master, PhD: J. Leblond, Inverse source problems, 3h, Franco-German summer school for inverse problems and PDE, Univ. Brême, All.
PhD: S. Chaabi, Analyse complexe et problèmes de Dirichlet dans le plan : équation de Weinstein et autres conductivités non-bornées, defended Dec.2d, 2013 (advisors: L. Baratchart, A. Borichev).
PhD in progress: D. Ponomarev, Inverse problems for planar conductivity and Schrödinger PDEs, since Nov. 2012 (advisors: J. Leblond, L. Baratchart).
PhD in progress: M. Caenepeel, A hierarchical framework for design oriented modeling, since Feb. 2013 (advisors: Y. Rolain, M. Olivi, F. Seyfert).
L. Baratchart was a referee of the PhD. manuscript of J. Vayssettes (Univ. Poitiers).
J. Leblond was a member of the hiring committee for a professor in applied mathematics, Univ. Lorraine, and of the PhD jury of A. Blandinières (Univ. Lyon), R. Tytgat (Aix-Marseille University), and A. Abdelmoula (Univ. Rennes, reviewer).
M. Olivi was a member (reviewer) of the HdR jury of Sylvie Icart (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, March).