Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Sylvain Chevillard [corresponding participant] .

Status: Currently under development. A stable version is maintained.

This software is developed in collaboration with Christoph Lauter (LIP6) and Mioara Joldeş (LAAS).

Sollya is an interactive tool where the developers of mathematical floating-point libraries (libm) can experiment before actually developing code. The environment is safe with respect to floating-point errors, i.e. the user precisely knows when rounding errors or approximation errors happen, and rigorous bounds are always provided for these errors.

Among other features, it offers a fast Remez algorithm for computing polynomial approximations of real functions and also an algorithm for finding good polynomial approximants with floating-point coefficients to any real function. It also provides algorithms for the certification of numerical codes, such as Taylor Models, interval arithmetic or certified supremum norms.

It is available as a free software under the CeCILL-C license at http://sollya.gforge.inria.fr/ .