Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Florent de Dinechin is an associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Computers. He was a member of the Program Committees of the conferences CompAs (Grenoble, January 2013), Applied Reconfigurable Computing (Los Angeles, March 2013), Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (Edimburgh, June 2013), Field-Programmable Logic (Porto, September 2013), Field-Programmable Technology (Kyoto, December 2013), ReConfig 2013 (Cancun, December 2013). He also organized a tutorial half-day on arithmetic core generation using the FloPoCo framework at HiPEAC 2013 (Berlin, January 2013).
Guillaume Hanrot has been deputy director of the LIP (laboratoire d'informatique du parallélisme) since 01/01/13. He has also been in charge of the computer science master at ENS de Lyon for the academic year 2012-2013. He has been a member of hiring committees for an assistant professor position at Caen IUT, for an assistant professor position at Saint-Étienne IUT, for a professor position at ENSIIE Strasbourg, and of the national committee for “Prime d'excellence scientifique”. He is a member of the scientific council of ENSIIE (Évry). He chairs a working group in charge of making recommendations concerning general teaching and training policy at ENS de Lyon.
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod is a member of the scientific committee of “Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel”.
Fabien Laguillaumie has been member of an hiring committee for an assistant professor position at Université Lyon 1. He was member of ProvSec 2013 program committee. He is responsible for the second year "Ingénierie des Risques" of the Master SAFIR.
Vincent Lefèvre and Nicolas Louvet were in the scientific committee of the CNRS thematic school Précision et reproductibilité en calcul numérique (Fréjus, France, March, 2013).
Jean-Michel Muller co-chairs the Groupement de Recherche (GDR) Informatique Mathématique of CNRS. He is an associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Computers. He participated to the evaluation committee of the LIRMM laboratory (Montpellier) in November 2013. He is a member of the scientific councils of CERFACS (Toulouse) and ENS de Lyon. He was a member of the Program Committees of the conferences IEEE ARITH 21 (Austin, Texas, April 2013) and IEEE ASAP'2013 (Washington DC, June 2013).
Nathalie Revol was in the hiring committee for junior researchers (CR) of Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes. She is a member of the CES (Commission des Emplois Scientifiques), the hiring committee for postdocs at Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes. She was the chair of the organization committee and took charge of the “gender aspects” of the Forum 2013 des Jeunes Mathématicien-ne-s, 13-15 November, Lyon. She is a member of the “comité de diffusion” of the MILyon labex. She belongs to the steering committee for the MMI (Maison des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique). She is a member of the selecting committee of CapMaths.
Bruno Salvy is a member of the editorial boards of the “Journal of Symbolic Computation”, of the “Journal of Algebra” (section Computational Algebra) and of the collections “Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation” (Springer) and “Mathématiques et Applications” (SMAI-Springer). He is organizing the working group Computer Algebra of the CNRS GDR IM. This year, he has been in the program committees of ISSAC 2013 (Boston, Mass., June 2013) and Analco 2013 (New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2013).
Damien Stehlé has been deputy director and Erasmus coordinator of the ENS de Lyon Computer Science department from 01/01/13 until 30/06/13. He has been the director of the Computer Science department since 01/07/13. He is a member of the steering committee of the Cryptography and Coding CNRS working group (GdT C2 du GDR IM). He is a member of the steering committee of the PQCrypto conference series. In 2013, he served in the program committees of the PQCrypto (Limoges, France, June 2013) and Asiacrypt (Bengalore, India, December 2013) conferences.
Gilles Villard is chair of LIP laboratory and a member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Symbolic Computation.”