Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Nicolas Louvet, Computer Architecture, 74h, L2, Univ. Lyon 1.

  • Licence : Nicolas Louvet, Algorithms and Data Structures, 30h, L3, Univ. Lyon 1.

  • Licence : Nicolas Louvet, Operating Systems, 50h, L3, Univ. Lyon 1.

  • Master: Nicolas Brisebarre and Bruno Salvy, Approximations: from symbolic to numerical computation, and applications, 24h, ENS de Lyon.

  • Master: Guillaume Hanrot and Jean-Michel Muller, Computer Algebra, 24h, ENS de Lyon.

  • Master: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Nicolas Louvet, Nathalie Revol, Numerical Algorithms, 48h, Univ. Lyon 1.

  • Master: Fabien Laguillaumie, Cryptography, Error Correcting Codes, 150h, Univ. Lyon 1.

  • Master: Vincent Lefèvre, Computer Arithmetic, 14h, Univ. Lyon 1.

  • Master: Jean-Michel Muller, Floating-Point Arithmetic and Formal Proof (8h + coordination of the 24h course), ENS de Lyon.

  • Master: Bruno Salvy, Computer Algebra, 12h, MPRI.

  • Master: Damien Stehlé, Cryptography, 24h, ENS de Lyon.

  • Doctorat: Nicolas Brisebarre, Lattices in computer arithmetic, 3h, École de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique, Autrans, March 21.

  • Doctorat: Florent de Dinechin, Arithmétique flottante, 1h30, École CNRS Précision et reproductibilité en calcul numérique, Fréjus, March 25-29.

  • Doctorat: Guillaume Hanrot, Introduction to lattice algorithms, 3h, École de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique, Autrans, March 18.

  • Doctorat: Vincent Lefèvre, Arithmétique flottante en précision arbitraire, 3h, École CNRS Précision et reproductibilité en calcul numérique, Fréjus, March 25-29.

  • Doctorat: Jean-Michel Muller, Arithmétique flottante, 2h, École CNRS Précision et reproductibilité en calcul numérique, Fréjus, March 25-29.

  • Doctorat: Jean-Michel Muller, Arithmétique flottante, 2h, École HPC, Lyon, September 3.

  • Doctorat: Nathalie Revol and Philippe Théveny, Arithmétique flottante et intervalles, 3h, École CNRS Précision et reproductibilité en calcul numérique, Fréjus, March 25-29.

  • Doctorat: Nathalie Revol and Philippe Théveny, Précision et arithmétique flottante : outils, bibliothèques, 3h30, JDEV : Journées du Développement Logiciel, École Polytechnique, 4-6 September.

  • Doctorat: Nathalie Revol and Philippe Théveny, Introduction à l'arithmétique par intervalles, 3h, professional training entitled “Contrôler et améliorer la qualité numérique d'un code de calcul industriel”, Collège de l'X, Paris, 21-22 November.

  • Doctorat: Damien Stehlé, Introduction to lattices, 3h, École de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique, Autrans, March 18.


  • PhD: Julien Devigne, Protocoles de re-chiffrement pour le stockage de données, September 2011 - December 2013 (Orange Labs - Univ. Caen); co-supervised by Fabien Laguillaumie (together with Sébastien Canard and Brigitte Vallée).

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Brunie, Architecture et réalisation d'un accélérateur reconfigurable à couplage fort pour processeurs parallèles, since September 2010 (CIFRE Kalray from April 2011); co-supervised by Florent de Dinechin (and Renaud Ayrignac).

  • PhD in progress: Louis Dumont, Algorithmique efficace pour les diagonales, since September 2013, co-supervised by Bruno Salvy (together with Alin Bostan).

  • PhD in progress: Silviu Filip, Filtroptim : tools for an optimal synthesis of numerical filters, since September 2013, co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre and Guillaume Hanrot.

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Lairez, Algorithmique efficace pour la création télescopique et ses applications, since September 2011, co-supervised by Bruno Salvy (together with Alin Bostan).

  • PhD in progress: Adeline Langlois, Foundations of lattice-based cryptography, since September 2010, supervised by Damien Stehlé.

  • PhD in progress: Vincent Neiger, Multivariate interpolation in computer algebra: efficient algorithms ans applications, since September 2013, co-supervised by Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Gilles Villard (together with Éric Schost).

  • PhD in progress: Marie Paindavoine, Méthodes de calculs sur des données chiffrées, since October 2013 (Orange Labs - UCBL), co-supervised by Fabien Laguillaumie (together with Sébastien Canard).

  • PhD in progress: Philippe Théveny, Numerical quality and high performance in scientific computing on emerging architectures, since September 2011, supervised by Nathalie Revol.

  • PhD in progress: Serge Torres, Some tools for the design of efficient and reliable function evaluation libraries, since September 2010, co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre and Jean-Michel Muller.


  • Nicolas Brisebarre was a member of the PhD committee of Răzvan Bărbulescu (Nancy, December 2013).

  • Guillaume Hanrot was an external referee for the PhD of Md Mohammed Haque (Macquarie U., Australia, sept. 2013) and for the PhD of Mariya Georgieva (Caen, 2013-12-09). He was a member of the committee for the PhD of Léo Ducas (ENS Paris, 2013-11-12) and Yuanmi Chen (ENS Paris, 2013-11-13).

  • Fabien Laguillaumie was an external referee for the PhD of Léo Ducas (ENS Paris, 2013-11-12) and Viet Cuong Trinh (Univ. Paris 8, 2013-12-19). He was a member of the PhD committees of Mario Stefler (2013-09-26, ENS Paris), Nicolas Estibals (2013-10-30), Mariya Georgieva (Caen, 2013-12-09), and Aurore Guillevic (ENS Paris, 2013-12-20)

  • Jean-Michel Muller was a referee for the habilitation of Stef Graillat (U. Paris 6, 2013-12-2).

  • Nathalie Revol was the external referee for the PhD of Bingzhou Zheng (U. McMaster, Hamilton, Canada, 2013-12-10).

  • Bruno Salvy was a member of the PhD committee of Fabien Monfreda (Toulouse, July 2013).

  • Damien Stehlé was an external referee for the PhD of Romar Basillaje Dela Cruz (Nanyang Technological U., Singapore, March 2013) and of Zhenfei Zhang (U. of Wollongong, Australia, October 2013).