Section: Software and Platforms

Diffusion MRI

Participants : Aurobrata Ghosh, Théodore Papadopoulo, Rachid Deriche.

We have been closely involved in pushing the frontiers of the diffusion MRI (dMRI) in the recent years, especially in the mathematical modelling and processing of the dMRI signal and have developed state-of-the-art software implementations in the form of a C++ library that can be effectively used to infer the complex microstructure of the cerebral white matter. These algorithms and software fall into four categories : (i) local tissue modelling, which includes both popular 2nd order models and advanced higher than 2nd order models such as DTI, higher order Cartesian tensors (HOTs), ODF, FOD, EAP, maxima extraction, regularization and segmentation; (ii) generation of scalar indices (or biomarkers), which include DTI biomarkers, Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) and invariants of 4th order tensors; (iii) global structure estimation, which includes deterministic and probabilistic tractography; and (iv) data visualisation for scalar indices, local models and global structures.

So far, ODF estimation from the Athena -dMRI C++ library has been successfully included in medInria 1.9, and in the process to be re-adapted for medInria 2.1. Otherwise, the Athena -dMRI C++ library has been mostly used internally for research purposes. However, this is now changing with a fresh restructuring of the entire library so that it can be successfully ported and used externally – primarily to be included in parts with the cutting-edge software developed by Olea Medical .

  • License: French opensource license CeCILL-B - To change when it is to be sourced to Olea Medical .

  • Platform: Linux and (medInria platforms)

  • Programming language: C++