Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Organization of Workshops and Conferences
Participation to Innovative City Convention Organisation (June 18th): this event ICC 2013 has attracted more than 2500 people from enterprises and territories.
B. Trousse organised one workshop Inria-France Living Labs at Innovative City Convention on "Co-create with Users digital services of the territories of tomorrow" with around 100 attendants. At Innovative city convention 2013 (2500 attendants, June 18th, Nice), Inria and Fing has awarded several participants for their user involvement (idea production, viral marketing, questionnaires, sensor management). Two special winners being involved in many experiments received as awards one tablet offered by FING. The awarded citizen have expressed during this workshop their satisfaction related to MyGreenServices in producing IoT data, in being informed about the pollution where they live or when they move or in exchanging with others.
See the article on (the disruptive innovation BNP Paribas journal) (here )
Co-redaction of a flyer (English version) related to the PACALABS ECOFFICES project for the ICC conference in Nice distributed by “Chambre de Commerce et industrie” (Enterprise/Environment/Energy Department) ISGAN - CCI.
Editorial Boards and Reviewing
Axis members participate in the editorial boards of various journals:
Yves Lechevallier
Dominique Scapin
UAIS -International Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society)
IJPOP - International Journal of People-Oriented Programming
Brigitte Trousse
IJDST - International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology (Europia Productions)
Co-Design, International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts Journal (Taylor Francis online)
AxIS members are very regularly reviewers for various major journals: ADAC "Advances in Data Analysis and Classification", BIT (Behavior and Information Technology), ADAC "Advances in Data Analysis and Classification", IJHCS (International Journal of Human-Computer Studies), JMUI (Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces), "Le Travail Humain", UAIS, IwC in 2012. Thierry Despeyroux was reviewer for a book: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management Vol. 4 to be published. B. Senach reviewed a paper for the BIT journal
Conferences - Workshops Scientific Program Committees
Y. Lechevallier and B. Trousse are members of the supervising committee of the association EGC ( ).
AxIS permanent members are involved in the following program committees of conferences and workshops:
Thierry Despeyroux
Yves Lechevallier
Dominique Scapin
EGC 2013, January 29th - February 1st 2013, Toulouse, France.
SETIT 20143, 6th International Conference Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, 11-13 October 2013, Chongqing, China.
CENTRIC 2013. October 27th - November 1st, 2013, Venice, Italy.
ICMI, 5th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, December 9-13th, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
PhyCS, 1st. International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, January 7-9, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
SETIT 2014, 7th International Conference Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 24-28 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Brigitte Trousse
EGC 2013, January 29th - February 1st 2013, Toulouse, France.
CSCWD 2013, the 2013 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, June 27-29, Whistler, BC, Canada (sponsored by IEEE SMC Society).
H2PTM 2013, 16-18 October, International Conference "Hypertextes et Hypermedia, Produits, Outils et méthodes, Usages et pratiques numériques", 2013 CNAM - Paris.
IJCAI 2013, 3-9 August, 23rd International joint Confernce on Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China (reviewer).
CSCWD 2014, 21-24 May 2014, the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan in Design.
DCC 2014, 23-25 June 2014, Sixth International Conference on design Computing and Cognition, University College London, London, UK.
ICC 2014, 25-26 June 2014, Innovative City Convention, Nice, France.
ICE 2014, 23-25 June 2014, 20th International Conference ICE on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, IEEE TMC Europe Conference, Bergamo, Italy.
Invited talks or participations
Yves Lechevallier
Conference ECDA 2013: Y. Lechevallier gave an invited talk "Partitioning Methods On Dissimilarity Matrices Set" related to this publication [20] at the First European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA 2013) (with around 300 participants) jointly hosted by the two Classification Societies (GkKI in Germany and SFC in France) in July at Luxembourg.
B. Trousse
BIOVISION 2013, The World Life Sciences Forum (Lyon, March): B. Trousse as President of France Living Labs was invited to be panelist in the prospective session “eHealth: a coming medical revolution?”.
Conference of Ladies in mobility at Ever Monaco (Monaco, March 29): B. Trousse made an invited talk on "Innovative Services in Mobility (User Experience, Living Lab Approach)".
2030 Prospective ADEME workshop (2 days) organised by ADEME and Chronos firm, Sophia Antipolis.
Other actions
Local Dissemination to Citizen within ELLIOT project which has required a huge effort, both in terms of citizen workshop reporting, recruitment for our two 16 days experiments related to MyGreenServices in 2013 (February and June), community management within the forum, maintenance of a Scoop-it page on green services and finally MyGreenServices reporting for large audience. We realized for citizen recruitment a flyer on ELLIOT project and a call for participation for the workshops we published on various web sites: ICT Usage Lab, GreenCode, WebTimeMedias and Local networks such as the local JCI chapter. In addition to the recruitment we have prepared various packages for citizen related to the use of each citizen IoT stations. Finally for ELLIOT experiments we have recruited 48 participants from the idea generation until the experimentation.
Participation to other events:
B. Trousse participated in several events or meetings disseminating AxIS results:
Workshop "Design & Living Labs: L'apport du design et des SHS dans les démarches d'innovation centrée usagers ?", January 16th, Marseille (France)
R2DS Conference: "Dispositifs d'activation de l'innovation pour la ville durable: Espace coworking, fablab, living lab et Smart Cities", organised by Fondaterr and the Regional Council of "Ile de France", at Hémicycle - Regional Council Ile de France (Paris 7e),
International Biennale of Design, Forum Design et Innovation, March, St Etienne (France).
General Assembly of France Living Labs, March, St Etienne (France),
Meeting of the Strategical Orientation Committee of Pacalabs (evaluation of the past Pacalabs four years, done by EDATER and PacaLabs Operational Committee ) June, Marseille (France)
European Summer School on Living Labs, August, Manchester (UK),
LIFT 2013 "Produire autrement!", 15 October, Marseille (France),
Innovation & Territories - City of Antibes organised by Telecom valley (Innovation Committee), November 14th, Campus SophiaTech.
B. Senach participated in several scientific events:
International Biennale of Design, Forum Design et Innovation, Saint-Etienne, March, St Etienne (France). Participation in the Workshop : "Passage de l'économie de la propriété à l'économie de l'usage".
Conférence "L'intégration de la mobilité durable dans les villes intelligentes", Monaco, March, 29.