Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Guillaume Beslon is a member of the “Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique” (CoNRS), in 6th section (Computer Science) and in the 51st section (interdisciplinary section in bioinformatics, biomathematics and biophysics).

  • Guillaume Beslon is co-director of the Institut Rhône-Alpin des Systèmes Complexes (IXXI) since 2007 (the institute is directed by two persons from different disciplines – G. Beslon and P. Jensen – who exchange their roles between director and vice-director every two years. G. Beslon was vice-director for the 2011-2013 period. He was director for the previous period).

  • Guillaume Beslon served as an expert for the AERES evaluation of a laboratory and a master program

  • Guillaume Beslon served as an expert for the University of Windsor (Canada)

  • Guillaume Beslon is a member of the Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon Scientific Advisory Board since 2011.

  • Guillaume Beslon is member of the “Conseil de Laboratoire” of the UMR CNRS 5205 LIRIS.

  • Guillaume Beslon is a member of the scientific committee of the 2014 EMBO conference “Experimental Approaches in Ecology and Evolution using Yeast and Other Species”.

  • Guillaume Beslon was chairman of the 2013 edition of Evolyon.

  • Carole Knibbe and Guillaume Beslon are members of the program committee of the “Alife’14” Conference.

  • Hugues Berry is a member of Inria's Evaluation Committee (CE).

  • Hugues Berry was a member of hiring committees for Inria researcher positions, 2013 (Inria Centers of Lille and Sophia-Antipolis).

  • Hugues Berry is a member of the steering committee of IXXI, the Rhône-Alpes Institute for Complex Systems.

  • Hugues Berry co-organized, with V. Calvez, (EPI Numed) the conference “Mathematical modeling in cell biology” in Lyon, March 25-29, 2013 (http://mathbio2013.sciencesconf.org/resource/page?id=3 ), mainly funded by the “laboratoire d’excellence” MILYON (“Mathématique et Informatique Fondamentale de Lyon”).

  • Hugues Berry was a member of the Evaluation committee for the INSERM call for funding on Cancer (“Plan Cancer”), subfield: Systems Biology.

  • Hugues Berry was a member of the organization committee of the annual CNRS-INRA thematic school “EIEFB: Ecole interdisciplinaire d’échanges et de formation en biologie”, Berder Island (Morbihan, France), since 2008 (http://biophysique.mnhn.fr/berder2013/ ).

  • Hugues Berry is editor for the "Journal of Complex Systems" (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jcs/ ).

  • Hugues Berry was reviewer for the conferences ISBI (IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging) 2014, UCNC (Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation) 2013 and HPCS (International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation) 2013.

  • Hugues Berry was a member of the SPECIF committee, that awards each year the Gilles Kahn award, for the best French PhD in Computer Science, 2013.

  • Christophe Rigotti is member of the Scientific Council (C.S.) of INSA Lyon.

  • Christophe Rigotti co-chaired and co-organized the EGC satellite workshop FOSTA on spatiotemporal data mining, January 2012, Toulouse.

  • Christophe Rigotti was a member of the Program Committee of the EGC satellite workshop FST/CERGEO on spatial and temporal data, January 2014, Rennes.

  • Eric Tannier co-organized the international conference “RECOMB Comparative Genomics” in October 2013, in Lyon.

  • Eric Tannier co-organized the international conference “Models and Algorithms for Genome Evolution” in August 2013 in Montreal, Canada and co-edited a book published in the "Computational biology" series of Springer [37] .

  • Eric Tannier and Guillaume Beslon are members of the committee of the Semovi Rhône-Alpes regular seminars.

  • Eric Tannier was a member of the Program Committee of Recomb satellite workshop on comparative genomics, Lyon 2013.

  • Eric Tannier was a member of the Program Committee of SeqBio-13, Paris 2013.

  • Eric Tannier was a member of the Program Committee of WABI 2013.

  • Eric Tannier was reviewer for the conferences BSB 2013, ICCT 2013 and LATIN 2014.

  • In 2013, the members of the team were reviewers for several journals including Theoretical Computer Science, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Bull Math Biol, J Theor Biol, Mol Syst Biol, BMC Syst Biol, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, ISRN Computational Biology, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, BioSystems, Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge and Information Systems, Data and Knowledge Engineering.