Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Conference organization and program committee

Mathieu Hoyrup was in the Program Committee of Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCA) 2013 . He is guest editor for the post-proceedings of CCA 2013, special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science. He has been invited to organize the special session Algorithmic Randomness of the conference Computability in Europe (CiE) 2013.

Simon Perdrix is a member of the Program Committee of the first Workshop on Parallel Quantum Computing (ParQ) .

Guillaume Bonfante was in the Program Committee of Malware 2013 and Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS) 2013 .

The Carte Team has organized a few conferences and workshops in Nancy this year:


Emmanuel Jeandel gave an invited Talk at the conference (Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR) 2013 ) on entropy of Turing machines. He also presented his work on multidimensional symbolic dynamics in the PIMS Workshop on Automata Theory and Symbolic Dynamics .

Guillaume Bonfante was invited to present his work to workshop “Proof Theory and Rewriting” (Kanazawa, february) and “Journées Francophones d'Investigation Numérique” (Neuchâtel, october).

Guillaume Bonfante, Hugo Férée and Jean-Yves Marion were invited to workshop “Advances in implicit computational complexity” in Shonan Village in november.

Mathieu Hoyrup, Emmanuel Hainry, Emmanuel Jeandel, were invited to present their work to (workshop DySyCo ) in Lyon, december 2013.

Emmanuel Hainry presented Complexité d'ordre supérieur, de l'Analyse Récursive aux Basic Feasible Functionals at the Séminaire d'algorithmique et de complexité du plateau de Saclay (http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~bodirsky/seminaire/ ) in LIX, Palaiseau in June 2013.


Emmanuel Hainry reviewed articles for the journal Computability, for SIAM Journal on Computing, and for the STACS 2014 conference.

Emmanuel Jeandel reviewed articles for the LICS 2013 and the STACS 2014 conference.

Romain Péchoux reviewed articles for the WORDS 2013 conference

Mathieu Hoyrup reviewed articles for the CiE 2013, STACS 2014, STOC 2014 conferences and the journals Logical Methods in Computer Science and Theory of Computing Systems.


Isabelle Gnaedig is member of the scientific mediation committee of Inria Nancy Grand-Est and researcher social referee at Inria Nancy-Grand Est.