Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Unless specified otherwise, all teaching is done at Université de
Lorraine, France.
Licence :
Guillaume Bonfante
Emmanuel Hainry
Operating Systems, 60 hours, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Algorithms and Programs, 60 hours, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Object Oriented Programming, 24 hours, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Databases, 24 hours, L2, IUT Nancy Brabois
Complexity, 28 hours, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Algorithmics, 12 hours, DU PFST (eq. L1), IUT Nancy Brabois
Emmanuel Jeandel
Statistics for Computer Science, 46 hours,
L3 Informatique
Linear Programming, 46 hours,
L3 Informatique
Algorithmics and Programming 1, 60 hours, L1 Maths-Info
Algorithmics and Programming 4, 30 hours, L3 Informatique
Networking, 20 hours, L2 and L3 Informatique
Romain Péchoux
Introduction to OO programming, 55 hours, L3
MIASHS parcours MIAGE.
Databases, 42 hours, L3 SG, ISAM-IAE
Propositional logic, 35 hours, L1 MIASHS
Algorithmic complexity, 30 hours, L3 MIASHS parcours MIAGE, IGA Casablanca, Marocco.
Guillaume Bonfante
Modelling and UML, M1, Mines Nancy
Video Games, M1, Mines Nancy
Semantics, M1, Mines Nancy
Safety of Software, M2, Mines Nancy
Isabelle Gnaedig
Design of Safe Software, Coordination of the module, M2, Telecom-Nancy
Rule-based Programming, 20 hours, M2, Telecom-Nancy
Emmanuel Jeandel
Algorithmics and Complexity, M1 Informatique and M1 ENSEM, 60 hours
Combinatorial Optimization, M1 Informatique, 30 hours.
Romain Péchoux
Mathematics for computer science, 20 hours, M1 SC
Advanced Java, 52 hours, M1 MIAGE
Simon Perdrix
PhD : Joan Calvet, Analyse Dynamique de Logiciels
Malveillants, Université de Lorraine and Ecole
Polytechnique de Montreal, defended August 23rd, supervised by Jean-Yves Marion
and José M. Fernandez.
PhD in progress: David Cattanéo, Combinatorial Modelization in Quantum Computation and Generalized Cover Problems, started sept. 2012, Pablo Arrighi (director), Simon Perdrix (co-advisor)
PhD in progress: Hugo Férée, Computational Complexity in Analysis, defense planned in December 2014, Jean-Yves Marion (director) and Mathieu Hoyrup (co-advisor).
PhD in progress: Hubert Godfroy, Semantics of Self-modifying Programs, Jean-Yves Marion
PhD in progress: Jérôme Javelle , Quantum Cryptography: Protocols and Graphs, started Jan. 2011, Pablo Arrighi (director), Mehdi Mhalla (co-advisor), Simon Perdrix (co-advisor)
PhD in progress: Thanh Dinh Ta, Malware Algebraic Modeling and Detection, started Sept. 2010, Jean-Yves Marion (director) and Guillaume Bonfante (co-advisor)
PhD in progress: Aurélien Thierry, Morphological Analysis of Malware, started Oct. 2011 supervised by Jean-Yves Marion.
Isabelle Gnaedig:
Emmanuel Jeandel
Selection committee for a research assistant position in Nice (MCF 1114).
Jury of Razvan Barbulescu's PhD Defense on “Algorithmes de
logarithmes discrets dans les corps finis”, defended in Université
de Lorraine, December 5th.