Major publications by the team in recent years
1M. Abdalla, M. Bellare, D. Catalano, E. Kiltz, T. Kohno, T. Lange, J. Malone-Lee, G. Neven, P. Paillier, H. Shi.
Searchable Encryption Revisited: Consistency Properties, Relation to Anonymous IBE, and Extensions, in: Journal of Cryptology, July 2008, vol. 21, no 3, pp. 350–391. -
2M. Abdalla, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval.
Smooth Projective Hashing for Conditionally Extractable Commitments, in: Advances in Cryptology – Proceedings of CRYPTO '09, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009, vol. 5677, pp. 671–689. -
3G. Barthe, D. Pointcheval, S. Zanella-Béguelin.
Verified Security of Redundancy-Free Encryption from Rabin and RSA, in: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '12), Raleigh, NC, USA, T. Yu, G. Danezis, V. D. Gligor (editors), ACM Press, 2012, pp. 724–735. -
4A. Bauer, D. Vergnaud, J.-C. Zapalowicz.
Inferring Sequences Produced by Nonlinear Pseudorandom Number Generators Using Coppersmith's Methods, in: Public Key Cryptography (PKC '12), Darmstadt, Germany, M. Fischlin, J. Buchmann, M. Manulis (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7293, pp. 609-626. -
5F. Benhamouda, O. Blazy, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval, D. Vergnaud.
New Techniques for SPHFs and Efficient One-Round PAKE Protocols, in: CRYPTO (1), R. Canetti, J. A. Garay (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 8042, pp. 449-475. -
6C. Bouillaguet, P. Derbez, P.-A. Fouque.
Automatic Search of Attacks on Round-Reduced AES and Applications, in: Advances in Cryptology – Proceedings of CRYPTO '11, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, vol. 6841, pp. 169–187. -
7J.-S. Coron, A. Mandal, D. Naccache, M. Tibouchi.
Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers with Shorter Public Keys, in: Advances in Cryptology – Proceedings of CRYPTO '11, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, vol. 6841, pp. 487-504. -
8J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache, M. Tibouchi, R.-P. Weinmann.
Practical Cryptanalysis of iso/iec 9796-2 and emv Signatures, in: Advances in Cryptology – Proceedings of CRYPTO '09, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009, vol. 5677, pp. 428-444. -
9E. Fujisaki, T. Okamoto, D. Pointcheval, J. Stern.
RSA–OAEP is Secure under the RSA Assumption, in: Journal of Cryptology, 2004, vol. 17, no 2, pp. 81–104. -
10N. Gama, P. Q. Nguyen.
Finding Short Lattice Vectors within Mordell's Inequality, in: Proc. 40th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC '08), ACM, 2008, pp. 207–216. -
11V. Lyubashevsky.
Lattice Signatures without Trapdoors, in: Advances in Cryptology – Proc. EUROCRYPT 2012, D. Pointcheval, T. Johansson (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012, vol. 7237, pp. 738-755. -
12P. Q. Nguyen, D. Stehlé.
An LLL Algorithm with Quadratic Complexity, in: SIAM J. Comput., 2009, vol. 39, no 3, pp. 874-903.
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
13P. Derbez.
Attaques par Rencontre par le Milieu sur l'AES, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris - ENS Paris, December 2013. -
14A. Guillevic.
Étude de l'arithmétique des couplages sur les courbes algébriques pour la cryptographie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris - ENS Paris, December 2013. -
15J. Jean.
Cryptanalyse de primitives symetriques basees sur le chiffrement AES, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris - ENS Paris, September 2013. -
16M. Strefler.
Diffusion chiffrée avec traçage de traîtres, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris - ENS Paris, September 2013.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
17O. Blazy, G. Fuchsbauer, D. Pointcheval, D. Vergnaud.
Short Blind Signatures, in: Journal of Computer Security, November 2013, vol. 21, no 5, pp. 627-661. [ DOI : 10.3233/JCS-130477 ] -
18J.-M. Cioranesco, H. Ferradi, D. Naccache.
Communicating Covertly through CPU Monitoring, in: IEEE Security & Privacy, 2013, vol. 11, no 6, pp. 71-73. [ DOI : 10.1109/MSP.2013.140 ] -
19J.-L. Danger, S. Guilley, P. Hoogvorst, C. Murdica, D. Naccache.
A synthesis of side-channel attacks on elliptic curve cryptography in smart-cards, in: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2013, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 241-265. [ DOI : 10.1007/s13389-013-0062-6 ] -
20M. Ferreira Abdalla, D. Catalano, D. Fiore.
Verifiable Random Functions: Relations to Identity-Based Key Encapsulation and New Constructions, in: Journal of Cryptology, May 2013. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00145-013-9153-x ] -
21S. Ionica.
Pairing-based algorithms for Jacobians of genus 2 curves with maximal endomorphism ring, in: Journal of Number Theory, July 2013, vol. 133, pp. 3755-3770. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jnt.2013.04.023 ] -
22J. Jean, M. Naya-Plasencia, T. Peyrin.
Improved Cryptanalysis of AES-like Permutations, in: Journal of Cryptology, July 2013. -
23V. Lyubashevsky, C. Peikert, O. Regev.
On Ideal Lattices and Learning with Errors over Rings, in: Journal of the ACM, November 2013, vol. 60, no 6. [ DOI : 10.1145/2535925 ] -
24H. Q. Ngo, D. H. Phan, D. Pointcheval.
Black-Box Trace&Revoke Codes, in: Algorithmica, November 2013, vol. 67, no 3, pp. 418-448. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00453-012-9702-y ] -
25D. H. Phan, D. Pointcheval, S. Fayyaz Shahandashti, M. Strefler.
Adaptive CCA broadcast encryption with constant-size secret keys and ciphertexts, in: International Journal of Information Security, August 2013, vol. 12, no 4, pp. 251-265. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10207-013-0190-0 ]
Invited Conferences
26E. Brier, D. Naccache, L.-Y. Xia.
How to Sign Paper Contracts? Conjectures & Evidence Related to Equitable & Efficient Collaborative Task Scheduling, in: Open Problems in Mathematical and Computational Sciences Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013. -
27C. Chevalier, D. Gaumont, D. Naccache.
How to (Carefully) Breach a Service Contract?, in: Open Problems in Mathematical and Computational Sciences Conference, Istambul, Turkey, 2013. -
28R. Korkikian, D. Naccache, G. Ozari De Almeida.
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis, in: DCNET/ICE-B/OPTICS 2013: IS-11 - 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, Reykjavík, Iceland, SciTePress, 2013.
International Conferences with Proceedings
29F. Benhamouda, O. Blazy, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval, D. Vergnaud.
Efficient UC-Secure Authenticated Key-Exchange for Algebraic Languages, in: Public-Key Cryptography - PKC 2013, Nara, Japan, K. Kurosawa, G. Hanaoka (editors), LNCS, Springer, February 2013, vol. 7778, pp. 272-291. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-36362-7_18 ] -
30F. Benhamouda, O. Blazy, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval, D. Vergnaud.
New Techniques for SPHFs and Efficient One-Round PAKE Protocols, in: CRYPTO 2013 - 33rd Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, R. Canetti, J. A. Garay (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 8042, pp. 449-475. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40041-4_25 ] -
31O. Blazy, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval, D. Vergnaud.
Analysis and Improvement of Lindell's UC-Secure Commitment Schemes, in: ACNS 2013 - 11th International Conference Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Banff, Canada, M. Jacobson, M. Locasto, P. Mohassel, R. Safavi-Naini (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 7954, pp. 534-551. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38980-1_34 ] -
32S. Canard, D. Pointcheval, O. Sanders.
Efficient Delegation of Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge in a Pairing-Friendly Setting, in: 17th International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography (PKC '14), Buenos Aires, Argentina, H. Krawczyk (editor), LNCS, Springer, March 2014, vol. 8383, pp. 167-183. -
33H. Chabanne, J.-M. Cioranesco, V. Despiegel, J.-C. Fondeur, D. Naccache.
Using Hamiltonian Totems as Passwords, in: SantaCrypt 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. -
34J. Cheon, J.-S. Coron, J. Kim, M. Lee, T. Lepoint, M. Tibouchi, A. Yun.
Batch Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers, in: EUROCRYPT - 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques - 2013, Athens, Greece, T. Johansson, P. Q. Nguyen (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, May 2013, vol. 7881, pp. 315-335. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38348-9_20 ] -
35C. Delerablée, T. Lepoint, P. Paillier, M. Rivain.
White-Box Security Notions for Symmetric Encryption Schemes, in: SAC 2013 - Conference Selected Areas in Cryptography, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, August 2013. -
36P. Derbez, P.-A. Fouque, J. Jean.
Improved Key Recovery Attacks on Reduced-Round AES in the Single-Key Setting, in: EUROCRYPT 2013, Athens, Greece, May 2013, Publié à EUROCRYPT 2013. -
37Y. Dodis, D. Pointcheval, S. Ruhault, D. Vergnaud, D. Wichs.
Security Analysis of Pseudo-Random Number Generators with Input: /dev/random is not Robust, in: ACM CCS 2013 - 20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Berlin, Germany, ACM, November 2013. [ DOI : 10.1145/2508859.2516653 ] -
38L. Ducas, A. Durmus, T. Lepoint, V. Lyubashevsky.
Lattice signatures and bimodal Gaussians, in: CRYPTO 2013 - 33rd Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, United States, R. Canetti, J. A. Garay (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, August 2013, vol. 8042, pp. 40-56. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40041-4_3 ] -
39M. Ferreira Abdalla, S. Belaid, P.-A. Fouque.
Leakage-Resilient Symmetric Encryption via Re-keying, in: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2013, Santa Barbara, United States, G. Bertoni, J.-S. Coron (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 8086, pp. 471-488. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40349-1_27 ] -
40M. Ferreira Abdalla, F. Benhamouda, O. Blazy, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval.
SPHF-Friendly Non-Interactive Commitments, in: ASIACRYPT 2013, Bangalore, India, K. Sako, P. Sarkar (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, December 2013, vol. 8269, pp. 214-234. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-42033-7_12 ] -
41M. Ferreira Abdalla, F. Benhamouda, D. Pointcheval.
Tighter Reductions for Forward-Secure Signature Scheme, in: Public-Key Cryptography (PKC 2013), Nara, Japan, K. Kurosawa, G. Hanaoka (editors), LNCS, Springer, February 2013, vol. 7778, pp. 292-311. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-36362-7_19 ] -
42P.-A. Fouque, J. Jean, T. Peyrin.
Structural Evaluation of AES and Chosen-Key Distinguisher of 9-round AES-128, in: CRYPTO 2013, Santa Barbara, United States, August 2013, Publié à CRYPTO 2013. -
43P.-A. Fouque, D. Vergnaud, J.-C. Zapalowicz.
Time/Memory/Data Tradeoffs for Variants of the RSA Problem, in: Computing and Combinatorics, 19th International Conference, COCOON 2013, Hangzhou, China, D.-Z. Du, G. Zhang (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 7936, pp. 651-662. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38768-5_57 ] -
44A. Guillevic.
Comparing the Pairing Efficiency over Composite-Order and Prime-Order Elliptic Curves, in: ACNS - 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security - 2013, Banff, Canada, April 2013. -
45A. Guillevic, S. Ionica.
Four-Dimensional GLV via the Weil Restriction, in: Asiacrypt - 19th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Bengalore, India, K. Sako, P. Sarkar (editors), Springer, September 2013. -
46A. Guillevic, D. Vergnaud.
Genus 2 Hyperelliptic Curve Families with Explicit Jacobian Order Evaluation and Pairing-Friendly Constructions, in: Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2012, Cologne, Germany, M. Ferreira Abdalla, T. Lange (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 7708, pp. 234-253. -
47J. Jean, M. Naya-Plasencia, T. Peyrin.
Multiple Limited-Birthday Distinguishers and Applications, in: Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC 2013, Vancouver, Canada, August 2013, To appear. -
48J. Jean, I. Nikolic, T. Peyrin, L. Wang, S. Wu.
Security Analysis of PRINCE, in: FSE 2013, Singapore, Singapore, March 2013, Publié à FSE 2013. -
49T. Lepoint, J.-S. Coron, M. Tibouchi.
Practical Multilinear Maps over the Integers, in: CRYPTO 2013 - 33rd Annual Cryptology Conference Advances in Cryptology, Santa-Barbara, United States, R. Canetti, J. A. Garay (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, August 2013, vol. 8042, pp. 476-493. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40041-4_26 ] -
50T. Lepoint, P. Paillier.
On the Minimal Number of Bootstrappings in Homomorphic Circuits, in: Workshop on Applied Homomorphic Cryptography, Okinawa, Japan, A. A. Adams, M. Brenner, M. Smith (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, April 2013, vol. 7862, pp. 189-200. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-41320-9_13 ] -
51T. Lepoint, M. Rivain, Y. De Mulder, B. Preneel, P. Roelse.
Two Attacks on a White-Box AES Implementation, in: SAC 2013 - Conference Selected Areas in Cryptography, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, August 2013. -
52V. Lyubashevsky, D. Masny.
Man-in-the-Middle Secure Authentication Schemes from LPN and Weak PRFs, in: CRYPTO 2013 - 33rd Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, United States, R. Canetti, J. A. Garay (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, August 2013, vol. 8043, pp. 308-325. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40084-1_18 ] -
53V. Lyubashevsky, C. Peikert, O. Regev.
A toolkit for Ring-LWE cryptography, in: EUROCRYPT - 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques - 2013, Athens, Greece, T. Johansson, P. Q. Nguyen (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, May 2013, vol. 7881, pp. 35-54. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38348-9_3 ] -
54D. Maimut, C. Murdica, D. Naccache, M. Tibouchi.
Fault Attacks on Projective-to-Affine Coordinates Conversion, in: COSADE 2013 - 4th International Workshop Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design, Paris, France, Springer, 2013, pp. 46-61. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40026-1_4 ] -
55D. H. Phan, D. Pointcheval, V. C. Trinh.
Multi-channel broadcast encryption, in: ASIA CCS '13 Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSAC symposium on Information, computer and communications security, Hangzhou, China, ACM, 2013, pp. 277-286. [ DOI : 10.1145/2484313.2484348 ]
Conferences without Proceedings
56S. Belaid, L. Bettale, E. Dottax, L. Genelle, F. Rondepierre.
Differential Power Analysis of HMAC SHA-2 in the Hamming Weight Model, in: SECRYPT 2013 - 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2013.
Books or Proceedings Editing
57M. Ferreira Abdalla, T. Lange (editors)
Pairing-Based Cryptography - PAIRING 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 7708, 333 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-36334-4 ] -
58M. Ferreira Abdalla, C. Nita-Rotaru, R. Dahab (editors)
CANS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, November 2013, vol. 8257, 349 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-02937-5 ]
Internal Reports
59E. Brier, D. Naccache, L.-Y. Xia.
How to Sign Paper Contracts? Conjectures & Evidence Related to Equitable & Efficient Collaborative Task Scheduling, 2013, no IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2013: 432 (2013). -
60H. Chabanne, J.-M. Cioranesco, V. Despiegel, J.-C. Fondeur, D. Naccache.
Using Hamiltonian Totems as Passwords, 2013, no IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2013: 751 (2013). -
61J.-L. Danger, S. Guilley, P. Hoogvorst, C. Murdica, D. Naccache.
Dynamic Countermeasure Against the Zero Power Analysis, 2013, no IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2013: 764 (2013). -
62R. Korkikian, D. Naccache, G. Ozari De Almeida.
Instantaneous Frequency Analysis, 2013, no IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2013: 320 (2013).