Section: Research Program
Randomness in Cryptography
Randomness is a key ingredient for cryptography. Random bits are necessary not only for generating cryptographic keys, but are also often an part of steps of cryptographic algorithms. In some cases, probabilistic protocols make it possible to perform tasks that are impossible deterministically. In other cases, probabilistic algorithms are faster, more space efficient or simpler than known deterministic algorithms. Cryptographers usually assumes that parties have access to perfect randomness but in practice this assumption is often violated and a large body of research is concerned with obtaining such a sequence of random or pseudorandom bits.
One of the project-team research goals is to get a better understanding of the interplay between randomness and cryptography and to study the security of various cryptographic protocols at different levels (information-theoretic and computational security, number-theoretic assumptions, design and provable security of new and existing constructions).
Cryptographic literature usually pays no attention to the fact that in practice randomness is quite difficult to generate and that it should be considered as a resource like space and time. Moreover since the perfect randomness abstraction is not physically realizable, it is interesting to determine whether imperfect randomness is “good enough” for certain cryptographic algorithms and to design algorithms that are robust with respect to deviations of the random sources from true randomness.
The power of randomness in computation is a central problem in complexity theory and in cryptography. Cryptographers should definitely take these considerations into account when proposing new cryptographic schemes: there exist computational tasks that we only know how to perform efficiently using randomness but conversely it is sometimes possible to remove randomness from probabilistic algorithms to obtain efficient deterministic counterparts. Since these constructions may hinder the security of cryptographic schemes, it is of high interest to study the efficiency/security tradeoff provided by randomness in cryptography.
Quite often in practice, the random bits in cryptographic protocols are generated by a pseudorandom number generation process. When this is done, the security of the scheme of course depends in a crucial way on the quality of the random bits produced by the generator. Despite the importance, many protocols used in practice often leave unspecified what pseudorandom number generation to use. It is well-known that pseudorandom generators exist if and only if one-way functions exist and there exist efficient constructions based on various number-theoretic assumptions. Unfortunately, these constructions are too inefficient and many protocols used in practice rely on “ad-hoc” constructions. It is therefore interesting to propose more efficient constructions, to analyze the security of existing ones and of specific cryptographic constructions that use weak pseudorandom number generators.
The project-team undertakes research in these three aspects. The approach adopted is both theoretical and practical, since we provide security results in a mathematical frameworks (information theoretic or computational) with the aim to design protocols among the most efficient known.