Section: New Results

Automated Deduction

We develop general techniques which allow us to re-use available tools in order to build a new generation of solvers offering a good trade-off between expressiveness, flexibility, and scalability. We focus on the careful integration of combination techniques and rewriting techniques to design decision procedures for a wide range of verification problems.

Building and verifying decision procedures

Participants : Alain Giorgetti, Olga Kouchnarenko, Christophe Ringeissen, Elena Tushkanova.

We have developed a methodology to build decision procedures by using superposition calculi which are at the core of equational theorem provers. In [14] , we have developed automated deduction techniques to prove properties about these superposition-based decision procedures. To this aim, we have further investigated the use of schematic superposition, to check the termination and the combinability of superposition-based procedures. We have worked on the development of a framework for specifying and verifying superposition-based procedures. We have designed an implementation in Maude of the schematic superposition calculus. Thanks to this implementation we automatically derive termination of superposition for a couple of theories of interest in verification.

Until now, schematic superposition was only studied for standard superposition. In [53] , [55] , we introduce a schematic superposition calculus modulo a fragment of arithmetics, namely the theory of Integer Offsets. This new schematic calculus is used to prove the decidability of the satisfiability problem for some theories extending Integer Offsets. We illustrate our theoretical contribution on theories representing extensions of classical data structures, e.g., lists and records. Our Maude-based implementation has been extended to incorporate this new schematic superposition calculus modulo Integer Offsets. It enables automatic decidability proofs for theories of practical use.

Hierarchical combination of unification procedures

Participant : Christophe Ringeissen.

In [45] , [54] , a novel approach is described for the combination of unification algorithms for two equational theories which share function symbols. We are able to identify a set of restrictions and a combination method such that if the restrictions are satisfied the method produces a unification algorithm for the union of non-disjoint equational theories. Furthermore, we identify a class of theories satisfying the restrictions. The critical characteristics of the class is the hierarchical organization and the shared symbols being restricted to “inner constructors”. Our approach can be applied to theories used for the analysis of protocols. The property of having an inner constructor in one side of an equality is common in the use of exponentiation in Diffie-Hellman inspired key agreement protocols. We are working on considering additional hierarchical theories. A possible candidate theory is a partial theory of Cipher Block Chaining.

Unification modulo equational theories of cryptographic primitives

Participant : Michaël Rusinowitch.

Some attacks exploit in a clever way the interaction between protocol rules and algebraic properties of cryptographic operators. In [74] , we provide a list of such properties and attacks as well as existing formal approaches for analyzing cryptographic protocols under algebraic properties.

We have further investigated unification problems related to the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of encryption. We first model chaining in terms of a simple, convergent, rewrite system over a signature with two disjoint sorts: list and element. The 2-sorted convergent rewrite system is then extended into one that captures a block chaining encryption-decryption mode at an abstract level, (using no AC-symbols); unification modulo this extended system is shown to be decidable [15] .