Section: New Results

Model-based Testing

Our research in Model-Based Testing (MBT) aims to extend the coverage of tests. The coverage refers to several artefacts: model, test scenario/property, and code of the program under test. The test generation uses various underlying techniques such as symbolic animation of models  [75] , or symbolic execution of programs by means of dedicated constraints, SMT solvers, or model-checkers.

Automated Test Generation from Behavioral Models

Participants : Fabrice Bouquet, Kalou Cabrera, Jérome Cantenot, Frédéric Dadeau, Jean-Marie Gauthier, Julien Lorrain.

We have developed an original model-based testing approach that takes a behavioural view (modelled in UML) of the system under test and automatically generates test cases and executable test scripts according to model coverage criteria. We continue to extend this result to SysML specifications for validating embedded systems [30] . To allow the test generation from SysML models, in [47] we study the transformation into a low level language suitable for hardware specification.

In the context of software evolution, we have worked on exploiting the evolution of requirements in order to classify test sequences, and precisely target the parts of the system impacted by this evolution. We have proposed to define the life cycle of a test via three test classes: (i) Regression, used to validate that unimpacted parts of the system did not change, (ii) Evolution, used to validate that impacted parts of the system correctly evolved, and (iii) Stagnation, used to validate that impacted parts of the system did actually evolve. The associated algorithms are under implementation in a dedicated prototype already used in the SecureChange European project.

Scenario-Based Verification and Validation

Participants : Fabrice Bouquet, Kalou Cabrera, Frédéric Dadeau.

Test scenarios represent an abstract test case specification that aims at guiding the model animation in order to produce relevant test cases. Contrary to the previous section, this technique is not fully automated since it requires the user to design the scenario, in addition to the model.

We have designed a scenario based testing language for UML/OCL that can be either connected to a model animation engine or to a symbolic animation engine, based on a set-theoretical constraint solver  [75] . In the context of the ANR TASCCC project, we investigated the automation of test generation from Security Functional Requirements (SFR), as defined in the Common Criteria terminology. To achieve that, we worked on the definition of description patterns for security properties, to which a given set of SFRs can be related. These properties are used to automatically generate test scenarios that produce model based test cases. The traceability, ensured all along the testing process, makes it possible to provide evidences of the coverage of the SFR by the tests, required by the Common Criteria to reach the highest Evaluation Assurance Levels.

We have proposed a dedicated formalism to express test properties. translated into a finite state automaton which describes a monitor of its behaviors [36] . We have proposed dedicated property coverage criteria that can be used either to measure the property coverage of a given test suite, or to generate test cases, exercising nominal or robustness aspects of the property. This process has been fully tool-supported into an integrated software prototype(A video of the prototype is available at: http://vimeo.com/53210102[41] .

In the context of the SecureChange project, we have also investigatde the evolution of test scenarios. As the system evolves, the model evolves, and the associated test scenarios may also evolve. We are currently extending the test generation and management of system evolutions to ensure the preservation of the security.

Mutation-based Testing of Security Protocols

Participants : Frédéric Dadeau, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Ghazi Maatoug, Michaël Rusinowitch.

Verification of security protocols models is an important issue. Nevertheless, the verification reasons on a model of the protocol, and does not consider its concrete implementation. While representing a safe model, the protocol may be incorrectly implemented, leading to security flaws when it is deployed. We have proposed a model-based penetration testing approach for security protocols [9] . This technique relies on the use of mutations of an original protocol, proved to be correct, for injecting realistic errors that may occur during the protocol implementation (e.g. re-use of existing keys, partial checking of received messages, incorrect formatting of sent messages, use of exponential/xor encryption, etc.). Mutations that lead to security flaws are used to build test cases, which are defined as a sequence of messages representing the behavior of the intruder. secret. We have applied our technique on protocols designed in HLPSL, and implemented a protocol mutation tool that performs the mutations. The mutants are then analyzed by the CL-Atse  [82] front-end of the AVISPA toolset  [64] . We have experimented our approach on a set of protocols, and we have shown the relevance of the proposed mutation operators and the efficiency of the CL-Atse tool to conclude on the vulnerability of a protocol and produce an attack trace that can be used as a test case for implementations. We applied our approach on the Paypal Express protocol, and we were able to retrieve an existing attack trace on this protocol(http://www.nbs-system.com/blog/faille-securite-magento-paypal.html ). We are now investigating the transformation of an attack trace into executable tests scripts. To achieve that, we propose to automatically generate skeletons of Java test programs that the validation engineer only has to fill in order to concretize the steps of the test. A first experience in this direction has been described in [48] .

Rewriting-based Mathematical Model Transformations

Participants : Walid Belkhir, Alain Giorgetti.

Since 2011 we collaborate with the Department “Temps-Fréquence” of the FEMTO-ST institute (Franche-Comté Electronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique - Sciences et Technologies, CNRS UMR 6174) on the formalization of asymptotic methods (based on two-scale convergence).The goal is to design a software, called MEMSALab, for the automatic derivation of multiscale models of arrays of micro- and nanosystems. In this domain a model is a partial differential equation. Multiscale methods approximate it by another partial differential equation which can be numerically simulated in a reasonable time. The challenge consists in taking into account a wide range of geometries combining thin and periodic structures with the possibility of multiple nested scales. We have designed a transformation language facilitating the design of MEMSALab [18] . It is proposed as a Maple𝖳𝖬 package for rule-based programming, rewriting strategies and their combination with standard Maple𝖳𝖬 code. We illustrate the practical interest of this language by using it to encode two examples of multiscale derivations, namely the two-scale limit of the derivative operator and the two-scale model of the stationary heat equation. A more general framework for the derivation of the multi-scale models was established in [26] .

Code-related Test Generation and Static Analysis

Participants : Fabrice Bouquet, Frédéric Dadeau, Ivan Enderlin, Alain Giorgetti.

We have designed a new annotation language for PHP, named PRASPEL (for PHP Realistic Annotation SPEcification Language). This language relies on realistic domains which serve two purposes. First, they assign to a data a domain that is supposed to be specific w.r.t. a context in which it is employed. Second, they provide two features that are used for test generation: (i) samplability makes it possible to automatically generate a value that belongs to the realistic domain so as to generate test data, (ii) predicability makes it possible to check if the value belongs to a realistic domain. This approach is tool-supported in a dedicated framework for PHP which makes it possible to produce unit test cases using random data generators, execute the test cases on an instrumented implementation, and decide the conformance of the code w.r.t. the annotations by runtime assertion checking. This principle has been extended to generate grammar-based textual data based on various strategies, namely uniform random generation, bounded exhaustive generation and rule-coverage-based test generation. In a recent work, we have proposed a dedicated constraint solver for PHP arrays [44] aiming to avoid rejection during the generation of array structures.

Random Testing

Participants : Aloïs Dreyfus, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko.

The random testing paradigm represents a quite simple and tractable software assessment method for various testing approaches. When performing random testing, the random sampler is supposed to be independent of tester choices or convictions: a solution is to exploit uniform random generators.

In  [78] a method is proposed for drawing paths in finite graphs uniformly, and it is explained how to use these techniques for testing C programs within a control flow graph based approach. Nevertheless, as finite graphs often provide strong abstractions of the systems under test, many abstract tests generated by the approach cannot be played on the implementation. In  [79] , we have proposed a new approach, extending  [78] , to manage stack-call during the random test generation while preserving uniformity. In [61] , we go further by investigating a way to biase the random testing, in order to optimize the probability to fulfil a coverage criterion. The new approaches have been implemented in a prototype and experimented on several examples. A similar approach for grammar based testing is developped in [43] : we show how to hedge the random generation of execution trees to optimize the probability of covering either all rules or all non terminal symbols.