Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
CONVECS is a host team for the computer science master entitled “Mathématiques, Informatique, spécialité : Systèmes et Logiciels”, common to Grenoble INP and University Joseph Fourier.
In 2013, we carried out the following teaching activities:
G. Salaün is co-responsible for the ISI (Ingéniérie des Systèmes d'Information) department of ENSIMAG since September 1, 2011.
H. Evrard served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Algorithmique et structures de données”, given by Frédéric Wagner to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (36 hours).
H. Evrard served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Introduction aux réseaux de communication”, given by Roland Groz to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).
H. Evrard served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Systèmes d'exploitation et programmation concurrente”, given by Yves Denneulin to the second year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).
A. Kriouile served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Conception de circuits et architectures des ordinateurs”, given by Frédéric Pétrot to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (27 hours).
A. Kriouile served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Introduction aux réseaux de communication”, given by Roland Groz to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (36 hours).
A. Kriouile served as a teaching assistant for a student project “Projet logiciel en C”, proposed by François Broquedis and Matthieu Chabanas to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (20 hours).
F. Lang and W. Serwe gave a course on “Spécification et vérification de systèmes concurrents et temps-réel” to the third year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).
G. Salaün gave a course on “Algorithmique parallèle et orientée-objet” to the second year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (36 hours).
L. Ye gave a course on “Théorie des langages” to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (10 hours).
R. Mateescu was a panel member for Syed Hussein Syed Alwi's PhD thesis, entitled “Vérification compositionnelle pour la conception sûre de systèmes embarqués”, defended at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, on July 11, 2013.
G. Salaün was a panel member for Huu Nghia Nguyen's PhD thesis, entitled “A Symbolic Approach for the Verification and the Testing of Service Choreographies”, defended at Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France, on October 30, 2013.