Section: Software and Platforms

Queueing Systems

Participant : Thomas Begin [correspondant] .

Queueing models, steady-state solution, online tool, web interface Online tool: http://queueing-systems.ens-lyon.fr

This tool aims at providing an ergonomic web-based interface to promote the use of our proposed solutions to numerically solve classical queueing systems. This tool was launched in 2011 and presented at the conference [30] . It attracts each month hundreds of visitors scattered accross the world. Its initial implementation only includes the solution for a queue with multiple servers, general arrivals, exponential services and a possibly finite buffer (i.e., Ph/M/c/N-like queue). The steady-state solution to this queue is based on a simple and stable recurrence  [31] and was performed in collaboration with Pr. Brandwajn (UCSC). Since then, we added new models such that a mono server queue with Poisson arrivals, general services and a possibly finite buffer (i.e., M/Ph/1/N-like queue). In 2013, we extended our tool so as to include the solution for a queue with multiple servers, general service times and Poisson arrivals (i.e., M/Ph/c/N-like queue). The solution is based on a new approximation that we developed this year in collaboration with Pr. Brandwajn (UCSC)  [32] . Associated URL is: http://queueing-systems.ens-lyon.fr