Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Inria Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs joint laboratory

Participants : Isabelle Guérin Lassous, Paulo Gonçalves, Thomas Begin, Éric Fleury.

Network Science

The main scientific objectives of network science are:

  • to design efficient tools for measuring specific properties of large scale complex networks and their dynamics;

  • to propose accurate graph and dynamics models (e.g., generators of random graph fulfilling measured properties);

  • to use this knowledge with an algorithmic perspectives, for instance, for improving the QoS of routing schemes, the speed of information spreading, the selection of a target audience for advertisements, etc.

The ADR will focus on:

  • Network sampling

  • Epidemics in networks

  • Search in networks

  • Clustering of networks

  • Detecting network central nodes

  • Network evolution and anomaly detection