Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Bachelor: Ali Assaf, Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique, 36 hours, third year, École Polytechnique, France
Bachelor: Ali Assaf, Algorithmique et programmation, 36 hours, third year, École Polytechnique, France
Bachelor: Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Mathématiques 1: Calcul et fonctions, 72 hours, 1st year, Université Paris X, France
Bachelor: Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Statistiques et probabilités, 6 hours, second year, Université Paris X, France
Bachelor: Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Mathématiques 2, 24 hours, first year, Université Paris X, France
Bachelor: Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Méthodologie de la mesure en sciences humaines, 48 hours, first year, Université Paris X, France
Bachelor: Ronan Saillard, Programmation Orientée Objet en Java, 27 hours ,Telecom ParisTech, France
Bachelor: Guillaume Burel, Programmation avancée, 25,5 hours, third year, ENSIIE, France
Bachelor: Guillaume Burel, Logique, 10,5 hours, third year, ENSIIE, France
Bachelor: Guillaume Burel, Projet informatique, 22,75 hours, third year, ENSIIE, France
Master: Guillaume Burel, Systèmes et langages formels, 21 hours, first year, ENSIIE, France
Master: Guillaume Burel, Compilation, 36,75 hours, first year, ENSIIE, France
Master: Guillaume Burel, Sémantique des langages de programmation, 21hours, second year, ENSIIE, France
Master: Pierre Halmagrand, Sureté fonctionnelle, 12,5 hours, second year, CNAM Saint-Denis, France
Master: Olivier Hermant, Méthodes formelles, 21 hours, second year, ISEP, France
Master: Olivier Hermant, Algorithmique, 9 hours, second year, ISEP, France
Master: Olivier Hermant, Complétude et élimination des coupures, 1,5 hours, second year, Université Paris Diderot, France
Master: Gilles Dowek, Fondement des systèmes de preuves, 27 hours, second year, MPRI.
Guillaume Burel is in charge of the 4th, 5th, and 6th semesters of the engineering degree at ENSIIE.
David Delahaye has taught at Cnam courses in the following topics: Algorithmics, Object-Oriented Programming Languages, Safety and Security, Formal Proofs and Automated Deduction.
PhD in progress : Ali Assaf, Interoperabilty of proof systems, September 2012, Gilles Dowek and Guillaume Burel
PhD in progress: Raphaël Cauderlier, Mécanismes orientés objets pour le raffinement de données et d'algorithmes dans les systèmes de preuve, September 2013, Catherine Dubois
PhD in progress : Simon Cruanes, Automated reasoning modulo theories, August 2012, Gilles Dowek and Guillaume Burel
PhD in progress : Kailiang Ji, Model checking and automated theorem proving, September 2012, Gilles Dowek
PhD in progress: Kim-Quyen Ly, automated formal verification of termination certificates, October 2011, Frédéric Blanqui
PhD in progress: Pierre Halmagrand, Déduction automatique modulo, November 2013, David Delahaye and Olivier Hermant and Damien Doligez
PhD in progress: Vivien Maisonneuve, Préservation de preuve de système lors de la compilation sur micro-contrôleur, October 2011, François Irigoin and Olivier Hermant
PhD: Pierre Néron: A Quest for Exactness: Program Transformation for Reliable Real Numbers, December 2013, Gilles Dowek.
PhD in progress: Ronan Saillard, Dedukti: un vérificateur de preuves universel, October 2012, Pierre Jouvelot and Olivier Hermant
David Delahaye, Olivier Hermant, and Damien Doligez have supervised the Master internship of Pierre Halmagrand.
Catherine Dubois has supervised the undergrad internship of Frédéric Lang.