Section: Application Domains

Standard software stack for Intermediation

As linux has emerged as the reference stack for operating systems, LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php) has emerged for the pre-Web 2.0 stack. With the emergence of intermediation system, such as those used by Facebook and other intermediation platforms, new reference stacks are used, with open architecture, which must enable the development of new intermediation businesses in a matter of days of development. Most of the tools have been developed. We are confident that the low-level toolbox is mostly designed and is based on JavaScript both at the client and the server parts, based on nosql databases such as redis or mongodb at the data layer, based on web development framework at the client and the server side, and finally on social network plugins at the intermediation layer. MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, NodeJS) is a first proposal towards the kind of software stack we focus on, that is not exclusively devoted to intermediation purposes. We propose our own stack, based on these toolboxes to handle the future intermediation systems we envision.