Section: Application Domains

Intermediation systems

Intermediation systems are going to govern most of our activities. Intermediation systems link all people and provide them with the best services, the most appropriate to them. They exist currently in the realm of the Web 2.0 systems such as search engine, social networks, blogging, etc. related to accessing knowledge and communicating or exchanging with people. In the near future they will make their ways in most of our systems, energy, transport, education, employment, etc. We believe that political systems will evolve as well, with a new interaction between governing bodies and citizens. The surveillance programs that are currently widely debated give an increased information on their citizens to government as well as to corporations. The trend towards open data will provide information to citizens on government actions, to an extend that we probably fail to understand today. Intermediation platforms will play a crucial role to carry on the right information or service to the right people. Our research is devoted to better understand these challenging evolutions, and propose solutions to specific aspects, in particular in the realm of elections. (cf http://www.inriality.fr/vie-citoyenne/open-data/geopolitique/va-t-delocaliser-aussi-nos/ )