DISCO - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Boundary value problems for linear ordinary integro-differential equations

Participants : Alban Quadrat, Georg Regensburger.

In [35] , we study algorithmic aspects of linear ordinary integro-differential operators with polynomial coefficients. Even though this algebra is not noetherian and has zero divisors, Bavula recently proved in [85] that it is coherent, which allows one to develop an algebraic systems theory. For an algorithmic approach to linear systems theory of integro-differential equations with boundary conditions, computing the kernel of matrices is a fundamental task. As a first step, we have to find annihilators, which is, in turn, related to polynomial solutions. We present an algorithmic approach for computing polynomial solutions and the index for a class of linear operators including integro-differential operators. A generating set for right annihilators can be constructed in terms of such polynomial solutions. For initial value problems, an involution of the algebra of integro-differential operators also allows us to compute left annihilators, which can be interpreted as compatibility conditions of integro-differential equations with boundary conditions. These results are implemented in Maple based on the IntDiffOp and IntDiffOperations packages.