Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License: Introduction à Matlab, 21 heures. L3 - ENSTA ParisTech (Alexander Gepperth)

  • License: Traitement numérique du signal , 21 heures. L3 - ENSTA ParisTech (Alexander Gepperth)

  • Master: Apprentissage Autonomme, 6 heurs. M2, ENSEIRB - Bordeaux (Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • Master: Apprentissage Autonomme, 6 heurs. M2, ENSEIRB - Bordeaux (Manuel Lopes).

  • Master: Robotique de Compagnie, 6 heurs. M2, ENSTA - Paris Tech (Manuel Lopes).

  • Master: Robotique Mobile, 24 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master: Vision pour la robotique, 12 heures. M2, University Pierre et Marie Curie (David Filliat).

  • License: Introduction to Matlab, 21 heures. L3, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Licence 2: Graphe, Langage, Cryptologie, 21 heures. Pole Universitaire Francais de Ho Chi Minh Ville

  • Master: Option Robotique, Projet Robot Autonome, 32 heures. ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France.

  • Licence: Mathématique, 20 heures, niveau (L1), Université de Bordeaux (Olivier Mangin)

  • Licence: Infomatique, Introduction à la robotique, 30 heures, niveau (L3), Université de Bordeaux (Olivier Mangin et Fabien Bénureau)


  • PhD finished: Mai Nguyen, Bootstrapping Intrinsically Motivated Learning with Human Demonstration, defended nov. 2013 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD finished: Thomas Cederborg, A unified view of context-dependant skill learning and language acquisition, defended dec. 2013 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD finished: Natalia Lyubova, A developmental approach to perception for a humanoid robot [23] , defended october 30th, 2013 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress: Louis-Charles Caron, Developmental learning in multimodal sensory-motor loops, started january 2012 (superv. Alexander Gepperth).

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Duceux, Navigation and exploration based on RGB-D cameras, started october 2011 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Armand, Contextual electronic copilot for driving assistance, started feb. 2011 (superv. David Filliat)

  • PhD in progress: Matthieu Lapeyre, Developmental constraints for biped humanoid walking, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Olivier Ly).

  • PhD in progress: Fabien Benureau, Cumulative, hierarchical and intrinsically motivated learning of robot skills, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress: Jonathan Grizou, Fluid simultaneous learning of task and feedback models, started oct. 2011 (superv. Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress: Olivier Mangin, Learning of sensorimotor primitives with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress: Ievgen Perederieiev, Adaptive task execution for implicit human-robot coordination, started oct. 2012 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Thibaut Munzer, Learning from Instruction, started oct. 2013 (superv. Manuel Lopes).

  • PhD in progress: Yuxin Chen, Interactive learning of objects and names on a humanoid robot, started oct. 2013 (superv. David Filliat).


  • Edouard Klein (Manuel Lopes, 2013, examinateur) Contributions à l’apprentissage par renforcement inverse, supervised by Yann Guermeur and Matthieu Geist, Université de Lorraine, France

  • Pedro Sequeira (Manuel Lopes, 2013, examinateur) Socio-Emotional Reward Design for Intrinsically Motivated Learning Agents, supervised by Ana Paiva and Francisco Melo, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

  • Hemanth Korrapati (03/07/13, David Filliat, Examinateur) : Loop Closure for Topological Mapping and Navigation with Omnidirectional Images. Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, Youcef Mezouar (Dir.)

  • Cédric Meyer (14/06/13, David Filliat, Examinateur) : Théorie de vision dynamique et application à la robotique mobile. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Ryad Benosman (Dir.)

  • Srikrishna Bhat (22/01/13, David Filliat, Rapporteur) : Visual words for pose computation. Université de Lorraine (22/01/2013), Marie-Odile Berger (Dir.)

  • Beata Gryzb (04/13, PY Oudeyer, Rapporteur): Grounding spatial awareness in sensorimotor representations: an interdisciplinary approach, Univ. Madrid, Spain

  • Xavier Hinault (01/12, PY Oudeyer, Rapporteur): Réseau de neurones récurrent pour le traitement de séquences abstraites et de structures grammaticales, avec une application aux interactions homme-robot, Univ. Lyon 1, France.

  • Antoine de Rengervé (12/13, PY Oudeyer, Rapporteur): Apprentissage interactif en robotique autonome : vers de nouveaux types d’IHM, Univ. Cergy Pontoise.

  • Michael Garcia Ortiz (7/2013, A.Gepperth, Rapporteur): Driver behavior prediction, Univ. de Bielefeld (Allemagne)

  • Sarra Jlassi (28/11/13, Freek Stulp, Examinateur) : Formulation et Etude des Problemes de Commande en Co-manipulation Robotique. Laboratoire des Signaux et Systemes, Supelec (Dir. Yacine Chitour)