Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Christophe Collewet

  • Technical program committees of ORASIS 2013 (journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur)

  • Reviewer for ICRA'13 (IEEE International conference on robotics and automation)

Dominique Heitz

  • Member of IRSTEA "Comité directeur des Systèmes d'Information"

  • Member of IRSTEA "Comité Technique Spécial"

  • Responsible of the IRSTEA ACTA Team

  • Reviewer for IEEE trans. Im. Proc, Exp in Fluid

Cédric Herzet

  • Technical program committees of ICASSP 2013/2014 and SPARS 2013

  • Project reviewer for the "Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique" (FNRS), Belgique

  • Invited speaker at the CIMI Workshop, Toulouse, June 2013.

  • Invited speaker at a local seminar at ParisTech, Paris, January 2013.

  • Organizer of a monthly local seminar dedicated to sparse representations.

Etienne Mémin

  • Invited speaker special session "Signaux & Images en Océanographie" Gretsi de traitement du signal et des images, Assimilation d'images satellites océaniques: filtrage stochastique et définition de dynamiques adaptées Brest sep. 2013.

  • invited speaker 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, jan. 2013. Fluid flow velocity measurements from image sequences, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, jan. 2013.

  • Invited speaker workshop "2D to3D Ocean Dynamics from Space", Ifremer, Brest December 2013.

  • invited speaker CIMI (Centre International de Mathématiques et d'Informatique - Trimestre EDP & Probabilités - Weather Forecast, jan. 2014

  • Associate editor of the Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)

  • Associate editor of the journal of Image and Vision Computing (IVC)

  • Reviewing for Tellus-A, IEEE Im. Proc., IEEE trans. Pat. Anal. Mach. Intel. , , m. Vis. Comp., Exp in Fluids, ICCV'13, Nonlinear Proc. in Geophysics.

  • Responsible of the "Commission Développement Technologique" Inria-IRISA Rennes

  • member of the "Commission Personnel" Inria-IRISA Rennes