Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Conference organization

Program (co-)chairs

  • Nathalie Mitton is/was program chair or co-program chair for WiMob 2013, OpenWorldForum 2013 (IoT Track) and IoT-IP 2013.

Program committee members

  • Nathalie Mitton is/was in the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for Algotel'14, WPMC'14, SecAN'14, WinSys 2014 , MDM 2014 , SensorNets 2014, MDM 2013, WWASN2013, AdHocNets 2013 , EUSPN 2013 , MC3 2013 , AdHocNow 2013 , HuMoComp 2013 , MDM 2013, WWASN2013, Africomm 2013, WWASN2013.

  • Tahiry Razafindralambo is/was a TPC member for WiMob 2013, MSWIM 2013, PE-WASUN 2013.

  • Valeria Loscri is/was TPC member for WiMob2013, NTMS2013, IoTIP2013, MC3 2013.

Other chairing

  • Valeria Loscri was publicity chair for IoT-IP 2013.

Editorial activity

  • Nathalie Mitton is editorial board members of AHSWN since 2011.

  • Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of Adhoc Networks since 2012.

  • Nathalie Mitton is editorial board member of IET-WSS since 2013.

  • Nathalie Mitton and David Simplot-Ryl edited the book "Wireless sensor and robot networks: from topology control to communication aspects", to be published in February 2014.


  • Nathalie Mitton was member of the ANR programme blanc SIMI3 for 2013.

  • Nathalie Mitton a member of the Inria COST-GTAI and Building User committee (CUB).

  • Nathalie Mitton was vice-president of theTechnological development committee (CDT) in 2013 and will be president from January 2014.