Galaad is a joint project with Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné U.M.R. C.N.R.S. no 6621, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
Creation of the Project-Team: 2002 April 01, end of the Project-Team: 2013 December 31.Section: Members
Research Scientists
Bernard Mourrain [Team Leader, Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]Laurent Busé [Inria, Researcher, HdR]
Evelyne Hubert [Inria, Researcher, HdR]
Faculty Member
André Galligo [UNSA, Professor]Engineers
Nicolas Douillet [from November 1st]Anaïs Ducoffe
Valentin Michelet [until September 15th]
Hung Nguyen [from November 15th]
Meriadeg Perrinel [until April]
PhD Students
Mathieu Collowald [UNSA]Marta Abril Bucero [Inria, ANR GEOLMI]
Abdallah Lachaal [Inria, STREP TERRIFIC]
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Laura Saini [Inria-Missler, from September 1st]Meng Wu [ANR ANEMOS]