Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
H. Badri has presented the Siggraph ASIA paper to Manao team seminar (Inria BSO) in November 2013.
H. Badri has presentated his research projects to LRIT lab seminar (CNRST), December 2013, Rabat, Morocco.
H. Badri is an invited speaker to the "Séminaire Signal-Image Bordeaux” organized by IMS, IMB and LaBRI, March 2014, Bordeaux.
H. Yahia was an invited participant to the Workshop on "Global Systems Science: role of models and data" held at Brussels, February 7-8, 2013.
H. Yahia was a member of the selection committee (February 25th, 2013) of the joint workshop in ICST held in Mumbai (India), 2013.
H. Yahia participated in the CNU (Conseil national des Universités), section 61 selection meeting in January 2013.
H. Yahia has presented the ICARODE project (Integration and cascading for high resolution ocean dynamics, CNES-NASA-OSTST) at the CNES meeting in September 2013 at LEGOS (UMR CNRS 5566), Toulouse.
H. Yahia was an invited speaker at the India-CEFIPRA workshop in ICST "Challenges in overcoming complexity, from big data to cyberphysical systems”, April 4 - 5, 2013, New Delhi- India, Bhagirathi Building - IIT Delhi. Title: Advanced nonlinear approaches for handling complex datasets and acquisitions in Earth Observations and Universe Sciences" [22] .
O. Pont, B. Xu and H. Yahia were invited speakers at IEEE EMBC 2013: 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, July 3-7, 2013. Title: Arrythmic dynamics from singularity analysis of electrocardiographic maps [21] .
H. Yahia is a member of Elsevier's Digital Processing editorial board (2010-2013), and of Frontiers in Fractal Physiology open journal editorial board.