Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


K. Daoudi was invited for the second time by the Moroccan CNRST within the FINCOME'2013 program (http://www.fincome.cnrst.ma/ ) to give a 20 hour set of lectures on speech processing at the Master2 InfoTelecom of the faculty of science of Rabat (http://www.fsr.ac.ma/MIT/ ).


  • PhD : V. Khanagha, Novel Multiscale Methods for Nonlinear Speech Analysis , University Bordeaux-1, PhD defended on January 16th, 2013, supervisors: K. Daoudi and H. Yahia [13] .

  • PhD : S. Kumar Maji, Multiscale Methods in Signal Processing for Adaptive Optics , University Bordeaux-1, PhD defended on November 14th, 2013, supervisor: H. Yahia [14] .

  • PhD : J. Sudre, Circulation submésoéchelle et comportements des prédateurs marins supérieurs : Apport de l'analyse multi-échelles et multi-capteurs , University Toulouse-III Paul Sabatier, PhD defended on December 16th, 2013, supervisors: V. Garçon and H. Yahia [14] .


  • H. Yahia is a member of the jury ("reviewer") for the PhD of N. Navoret, defended on June 26th, 2013 at University of Bourgogne. Title: Analyse et détection des électrogrammes complexes fractionnés en vue de soigner la fibrillation auriculaire à l’aide de techniques d’ablation par radiofréquence. Jury: H. Yahia (reviewer), J.-M. Vesin (reviewer), A. Pumir (examiner), J.-M. Bilbault (examiner), G. Laurent (invited), S. Binczak (supervisor), S. Jacquir (co-supervisor).