Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • Number-Theoretic Algorithms for Asymmetric Cryptology Workshop. On June 20 and 21, 2013, GRACE hosted an international workshop on number-theoretic algorithms for asymmetric cryptology (with the support of Digicosme). Our invited speakers included Steven Galbraith (Auckland), Florian Hess (Oldenburg), Razvan Barbulescu (LORIA), Andreas Enge (Inria Bordeaux), Antoine Joux (UVSQ and Cryptoexperts), and Vadim Lyubashevsky (Inria Paris–Rocquencourt). Forty researchers attended over the two days. This workshop saw the first public announcement and presentation of what is undoubtedly the most remarkable new result in algorithmic number theory in 2013, if not the last decade: Barbulescu, Gaudry, Joux, and Thomé's quasi-polynomial time algorithm for discrete logarithms in a large class of finite fields.

  • ISN-Privacy. In year 2013, N. Boujemaa's proposal for an Institut de la société du numérique (Digital Society Institute) was accepted within IDEX Paris-Saclay. This proposal aims to foster interdisciplinary research involving both computer scientists and researchers in the humanities. Daniel Augot joined researchers from project-teams COMETE (Saclay) and SMIS (Paris–Rocquencourt) in regular monthly discussions with economists and lawyers; a seminar will be held in Summer 2014. Funding was allocated from the IDEX to the PAIP (Pour une Approche Interdisciplinaire de la Privacy) project for all the partners of the privacy group.

  • A special issue of Designs, Codes and Cryptography co-edited by Daniel Augot, devoted to the WCC2011 conference proceedings, was published in January 2013 [16] .