Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Emmanuel Agullo has been a member of the scientific committee of the international conferences IPDPS'13.
Olivier Coulaud is member of the C3I GENCI committee and of the scientific board of the regional computing mesocentre. Moreover, he is the leader of the Inria PlaFRIM computing plateform. He is member of the scientific committee of CCGRID2014.
Mathieu Faverge has been member of the technical program committee of the international conference HiPC'13 and reviewed for Parallel Computing journal.
Pierre Ramet is member of the GENCI scientific committee (Mathematics and Computer Sciences). He is also in the decision board of the "MCIA" project (Mésocentre Aquitain : un environnement Mutualisé de Calcul Intensif en Aquitaine).
Luc Giraud has been member of the scientific committee of the international conferences Preconditioning'13, IPDPS'13, HiPC'13, Pareng'13, PDCN'13 and PDSEC'13. He is also member of the editorial board of the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), expert for the PRACE program and for the Italian VQR 2004-2010 programme. He is a member of DAS-SCI (Domaine d'Activité technologiques Stratégiques - Systémes complexes, Conception, architecture et Intégration) of Aerospace Valley (pôle de compétitivité).
Abdou Guermouche has been member of the scientific committee of the international conferences HiPC'13, ICPP'13 and IPDPS'13.
Jean Roman is a member of the Research Direction of Inria; he is the Deputy Scientific Director of the Inria research domain entitled Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation and is in charge at the national level of the Inria activities concerning High Performance Computing. He is member of the “Strategic Comity for Intensive Computation” of the French Research Ministry and is member of the “Scientific Board” of the CEA-DAM. As representative of Inria, he is member of the Steering Committee of EADS Corporate Foundation (for the research chair entitled Mathematics of Complex Systems in Bangalore-India), of the board of ETP4HPC (European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing), of the French Information Group for PRACE, of the Technical Group of GENCI and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Maison de la Simulation. Finally, he has been member of the scientific committee of the international conference EuroMicro PDP'13 (IEEE).
Finally, the HiePACS members have contributed to the reviewing process of several international journals (ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Parallel Computing, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications , SIAM J. Scientific Comp., ...), to the reviewing process of international conferences (CCGRID 2014, IEEE IPDPS 2014, IEEE PDP 2014, ...), and have acted as experts for the research agency ANR-MN.