Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


In the following are listed the lectures given by the HiePACS members.

  • Undergraduate level/Licence

    1. A. Esnard: Operating system programming, 36h, University Bordeaux I; Using network, 23h, University Bordeaux I.

      He is also in charge of the computer science certificate for Internet (C2i) at the University Bordeaux I.

    2. P. Ramet: System programming 24h, Databases 32h, Objet programming 48h, cryptography 32h at Bordeaux University.

      He is also in charge of the "licences professionelles” since 2007 at Bordeaux University.

  • Post graduate level/Master

    1. O. Coulaud: Paradigms for parallel computing, 28h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence; Code coupling, 6h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    2. E. Agullo: Operating sysems, 24h, University Bordeaux I; Dense linear algebra kernels, 8h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca; Numerical Algorithms, 30h; ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    3. A. Esnard: Network management, 27h, University Bordeaux I; Network security, 27h, University Bordeaux I; Programming distributed applications, 35h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    4. M. Faverge: System Programming, 74h; Programming Environment, 26h; Load Balancing and Scheduling, 19h; Numerical Algorithmic, 30h; C Projects, 20h; ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

      He is also in charge of the second year of Embedded Electronic Systems option at ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    5. P. Ramet: Scheduling, 8h; Numerical Algorithmic, 30h; ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

      He also give classes on advanced databases, 30h, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

    6. L. Giraud: Introduction to intensive computing and related programming tools, 20h, INSA Toulouse; Introduction to high performance computing and applications, 20h, ISAE-ENSICA; On mathematical tools for numerical simulations, 10h, ENSEEIHT Toulouse; Parallel sparse linear algebra, 11h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    7. A. Guermouche: Network management, 92h, University Bordeaux I; Network security, 64h, University Bordeaux I; Operating system, 24h, University Bordeaux I.

    8. J. Roman: Parallel sparse linear algebra, 10h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence; Parallel algorithms, 22h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    9. X. Vasseur: Solution of PDE, 16 h, ENSEEIHT Toulouse; Linear Algebra and Optimization, 25 h, ISEA-ENSICA, Toulouse; Introduction to MPI, 11 h, ENM, Toulouse; Introduction to Fortran 90, 5 h, CERFACS, Toulouse.


  • Defended HDR

    1. HdR: Olivier Coulaud, Contributions algorithmiques pour les simulations complexes en physique des matériaux, Université Bordeaux 1, defended on 29 Nov. 2013.

  • Defended PhD thesis

    1. Pablo Salas Medina, Numerical and physical aspects of thermoacoustic instabilities in annular combustion chambers Université Bordeaux I, defended on 15 Nov. 2013, advisors: L. Giraud and X. Vasseur (CERFACS).

    2. Rached Abdelkhalek, Accélération matérielle pour l'imagerie sismique:modélisation, migration et interprétation, Université Bordeaux I, defended on 20 Dec. 2013 advisors: O. Coulaud, G. Latu (CEA Cadarache) and J. Roman.

  • PhD in progress :

    1. Pierre Blanchard, Fast and accurate methods for dislocation dynamics, starting Oct. 2013,advisors: O. Coulaud and E. Darve.

    2. Bérenger Bramas, Optimization of time domain BEM solvers, starting Jan 2013, advisors: O. Coulaud and G. Sylvand.

    3. Astrid Casadei, Scalabilité et robustesse numérique des solveurs hybrides pour machines massivement parallèles, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: F. Pellegrini and P. Ramet.

    4. Jean-Marie Couteyen, Parallélisation et passage à l'échelle du code FLUSEPA, starting Feb 2013, advisors : P. Brenner (Astrium Space Transportation) and J. Roman.

    5. Yohann Dudouit, Scalable parallel elastodynamic solver with local refinment in geophysics, starting Oct. 2010, advisors: L. Giraud and S. Pernet (CERFACS).

    6. Arnaud Etcheverry, Toward large scale dynamic dislocation simulation on petaflop computers, starting Oct. 2011, advisor: O. Coulaud.

    7. Xavier Lacoste, Scheduling and memory optimizations for sparse direct solver on multicore/multigpu cluster systems, starting Jan. 2012, advisors: F. Pellegrini and P. Ramet.

    8. Andra Hugo Composabilité de codes parallèles sur plateformes hétérogènes, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: A. Guermouche, R. Namyst and P-A. Wacrenier.

    9. Alexis Praga, Parallel atmospheric chemistry and transport model solver for massivelly platforms, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: D. Cariolle (CERFACS) and L. Giraud.

    10. Stojce Nakov, Parallel hybrid solver for heterogenous manycores: application to geophysics, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: E. Agullo and J. Roman.

    11. Maria Predari, Dynamic Load Balancing for Massively Parallel Coupled Codes, starting Oct. 2013, advisors: A. Esnard and J. Roman.

    12. Fabien Rozar, Peta and exaflop algorithms for turbulence simulations of fusion plasmas, starting Nov. 2012, advisors: Guillaume Latu (CEA Cadarache) and Jean Roman.

    13. Moustapha Salli, Design of a massively parallel version of the SN method for neutronic simulations, starting Oct. 2012, advisors: Laurent Plagne (EDF), Pierre Ramet and Jean Roman.

    14. Clément Vuchener, Algorithmique de l'équilibrage de charge pour des couplages de codes complexes, starting Sept. 2010, advisors: A. Esnard and J. Roman.

    15. Mawussi Zounon, Numerical resilient algorithms for exascale, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: E. Agullo and L. Giraud.


  • PhD thesis defences

    1. M. Malandain, Simulation massivement parallèle des écoulements turbulents à faible nombre de Mach, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen, spécialité mécanique des fluides numériques, January 15, Referee: L. Giraud.

    2. S. Fourestier, Redistribution dynamique parallèle efficace de la charge pour les problèmes numériques de très grande taille, Université Bordeaux I, June 20, Member: A. Esnard.

    3. S. Henry, Modèles de programmation et supports exécutifs pour architectures hétérogènes, Université Bordeaux I, spécialité Informatique, Nov. 14, Member: L. Giraud.

  • HdR defences

    1. C. Tadonki, High Performance Computing and Combination of Machines and Methods and Programming, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, spécialité Informatique, May 16, Referee: L. Giraud.