Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Organization of conferences and editorial boards
Marie-Paule Cani has been associate editor of ACM Transaction on Graphics since July 2013. She served on the programm committees of Shape Modeling International (SMI 2013), of Expressive'2013 (the ACM-EG symposium on Sketch-based Interfaces and Modeling - SBIM, Non-photorealistic Animation and Renderting - NPAR, and Computational Aestethics - CAe), and of the EG Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP'2013).
General co-Chair with Konrad Polthier of the SIAM GD/SPM 2013 conference in Denver
Member of the IPC for Eurographics in Girona 2013 and for CAD/Graphics in Hongkong 2013
Member of Program committee for the International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications in Bournemouth 2013 and Computer Graphics International (CGI) Hannover, 2013
Rémi Ronfard was a Program Committee members for 6 international conferences
Jean-Claude Léon was Member of the scientific board of SBIM 2014.
François Faure was chairing the Eurographics working group on Animation and Simulation.
Management and administration of scientific organisations
Marie-Paule Cani has been vice chair of the Eurographics association since January 2013. She has been chairing the steering committee of the Eurographics conference since May 2013. She is a member of the ACM Publication Board. She is also member of the steering committees of the SMI and Expressive international conferences.
In France, Marie-Paule Cani is a member of the executive board of the GRD IG-RV (Informatique Graphique - Réalité Virtuelle) of CNRS, and an EC member of the french chapter of Eurographics.
François Faure is a member of the Conseil du Laboratoire at LJK.
Member of the SMA Executive Committee (Shape Modeling Association)
President of GTMG (Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique) part of GDR IM and GDR IG.
International expert for the Italian Research and University Evaluation Agency (ANVUR)
Responsible of Maths-Info department of the Grenoble doctoral school MSTII.
Olivier Palombi is a member of the scientific board of ECCAMI (Excellence center for computer assisted medical interventions).
Rémi Ronfard is the Director of the Geometry and Image Department, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzman, Université de Grenoble.
Public dissemination
Damien Rohmer is involved in the Hévéa project working on the mathematical model of the flat torus. This flat torus has been highlighted in various medias during the year 2013 (fig. 13 ).
The flat torus and its vizualisation has been published in several diffusion journal
14 posters were created for the Fête de la science in Lyon to explains the model of he flat torus in October 2013.
From October to December 2013, the flat torus was highlighted in the art exhibition Formes élémentaires in Gyuancourt.
In 2014, a large image of the flat torus is exposed in the subway of Paris at the Montparnasse station.
Rémi Ronfard gave an invited talk at the International Federation for Theatre Research where he presented his ongoings projects Scenoptique and Spectaclenligne(s) for recording, analyzing and editing theatre performances and rehearsals.
He co-chaired a national meeting on the analysis and understanding of emotions, as part of the working group on "action and gesture", CNRS GDR ISIS, and the ARC6 region network, in Lyon in October 2013.
Remi Ronfard organized an INTECH workshop on the convergence between digital cinéma and interactive games, which attracted 100 participants from research and industry to Inria Rhone Alpes (