Section: Overall Objectives
Highlights of the Year
- Team:
Shadi Ibrahim, a former Post-Doc fellow at the KerData project-team, has been hired as a permanent Junior Researcher at Inria (CR2) starting in October 2013.
- A-Brain MSR-Inria project:
The TomusBlobs data-storage layer developed in the framework of the A-Brain MSR-Inria project was demonstrated to scale up to 1000 cores on 3 Azure data centers; it exhibits improvements in execution time up to 50 % compared to standard solutions based on Azure BLOB storage. Based on this storage infrastructure, the A-Brain project has provided the first statistical evidence of the heritability of functional signals in a failed stop task in basal ganglia, using a ridge regression approach, while relying on the Azure cloud to address the computational burden.
- Joint Lab for Petascale Computing:
The Damaris middleware for I/O and in-situ visualization, initiated in 2010 in the framework of the Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing, was ported to NCSA's Blue Waters supercomputer and provided in-situ visualization capabilities to the CM1 atmospheric simulation on up to 6400 cores.