Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Gabriel Antoniu
  • Master (Engineering Degree, 5th year): Big Data, 24 hours (lectures), M2 level, ENSAI (École Nationale Supérieure de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information), Bruz, France.

  • Master: Grid, P2P and cloud data management, 18 hours (lectures), M2 level, ALMA Master, Distributed Architectures module, University of Nantes, France.

  • Master: Peer-to-Peer Applications and Systems, 10 hours (lectures), M2 level, PAP Module, M2RI Master Program, ENS Cachan/Rennes, France.

Luc Bougé
  • Licence: Introduction to programming concepts, 24 hours (lectures), L3 level, Informatics program, ENS Cachan/Rennes, France.

  • Master: Introduction to object-oriented high-performance programming, 24 hours (lectures), M1 level, Mathematics program, ENS Cachan/Rennes, France.

Shadi Ibrahim
  • Master : Cloud1 — Map/Reduce, 10 hours (lectures, lab sessions), M2 Level, École des Mines de Nantes, Nantes, France.

Alexandru Costan
  • License: Object-oriented programming, 18 hours, L3, ENS Cachan/Rennes

  • License: Databases, 28 hours, L2, INSA Rennes, France

  • License: Practical case studies, 16 hours, L3, INSA Rennes

  • Master: Object-oriented design, 28 hours, M1, INSA Rennes

Matthieu Dorier
  • Licence: Java programming 35 hours (lectures, lab sessions), L1 level, INSA de Rennes.

  • Licence: Ruby Programming, 15 hours (lectures, lab sessions), L3 level, ENS Cachan/Rennes.

  • Licence: Computer Architectures, 24 hours (lab sessions), L3 level, ENS Cachan/Rennes.


  • PhD: Viet-Trung Tran, “Scalable data-management systems for Big Data”, thesis started in October 2009 co-advised by Gabriel Antoniu and Luc Bougé. Date of defense: 21 January 2013.

  • PhD: Houssem Chihoub, “Managing consistency for Big Data Applications: Tradeoffs and Self- Adaptiveness”, thesis started in October 2010 co-advised by Maria Pérez (UPM, Madrid) and Gabriel Antoniu. Date of defense: 10 December 2013.

  • PhD in progress : Matthieu Dorier, “Scalable I/O for postpetascale HPC systems”, thesis started in October 2011 co-advised by Gabriel Antoniu and Luc Bougé.

  • PhD in progress : Radu Tudoran, “Scalable data sharing for Azure clouds”, thesis started in October 2011 co-advised by Gabriel Antoniu and Luc Bougé.

  • PhD in progress : Álvaro García Recuero, “Scalable, Power-efficient Big Data Analysis on Geographically Distributed Clouds”, thesis started in October 2013 co-advised by Shadi Ibrahim and Gabriel Antoniu.

  • PhD in progress : Lokman Rahmani “Big Data Management for Next-Generation High-Performance Computing Systems”, thesis started in October 2013 co-advised by Gabriel Antoniu and Luc Bougé.


  • Gabriel Antoniu served as a Referee for a PhD Jury at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; as a Member in a PhD Jury at Telecom Bretagne, Cesson-Sévigné.

  • Luc Bougé served as a jury member for several PhD and HDR defenses, in many cases as the jury chairman.